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主要从事微纳米晶镁合金、 TiAl金属间化合物、高性能NdFeB稀土永磁材料、钨合金、高强高导电铜基合金等材料的制备与塑性加工成形理论及工艺研究,讲授本科生《弹性与塑性力学基础》、博士研究生《粉末成形理论与工艺》等课程。作为主要完成人,曾获国家技术发明奖一项及省部级科技进步一等、二等奖多项。参与编写本专业通用教材《弹性与塑性力学基础》以及《锻压手册》锻造卷第五篇、《热加工技术简明手册》锻压分册、《轻量化成形技术》等专著。获国家发明专利12项,在学术期刊上发表论文110多篇,其中SCI收录论文70余篇。




1990.09--1994.09 ,哈尔滨工业大学学习,获工学博士学位。 

1994.09--1996.08 ,哈尔滨工业大学材料学院,讲师。

1996.09--1999.06, 哈尔滨工业大学材料学院,副教授。

1999.07--2000.05 ,哈尔滨工业大学材料学院,教授。

1999.09--2000.09, 英国伯明翰大学,访问学者、名誉研究员。  

2002.12--2004.09, 加拿大魁北克大学访问教授/高级研究员。

2001.06--现在 ,哈尔滨工业大学材料科学与工程学院,教授、博士生导师。


1、中国机械工程学会粉末冶金分会 常务理事、副秘书长。

2、中国金属学会粉末冶金分会 理事。

3、中国材料研究学会粉末冶金分会 理事。

4、中国粉末冶金产业技术创新战略联盟专家委员会 委员。

5、中国有色金属学会粉末冶金及金属陶瓷学术委员会 委员。

6、中国钢结构协会粉末冶金分会纳米粉末委员会 副主任委员。

















[1]胡连喜,申景园,孙宇,刘文超. 一种Nb相增韧高强高塑型γ-TiAl基合金及其制备方法[P]. 黑龙江省:CN115961169A,2023-04-14.

[2]胡连喜,解花良,姜晓关,朱迪秋,孙宇. 一种工件成型回弹参数与精度控制方法[P]. 广东省:CN115592063A,2023-01-13.

[3]胡连喜,刘文超,孙宇,申景园,姜巨福. 一种基于元素粉末液相反应烧结制备Al-xwt.%Si合金半固态坯料的方法[P]. 黑龙江省:CN115369275A,2022-11-22.

[4]姜巨福,黄敏杰,王迎,胡连喜,管仁国,付莹. 一种半固态流变压铸成形铝合金5G通信基站机箱壳体件的模具及其使用方法[P]. 黑龙江省:CN112296309A,2021-02-02.

[5]胡连喜,于欢,孙宇. 一种Ti弥散强化超细晶高强镁合金的制备方法[P]. 黑龙江:CN107385252A,2017-11-24.

[6]胡连喜,段聪文,孙宇. 一种从纳米AlH3/金属氯化物中提取α-AlH3粉末的方法[P]. 黑龙江:CN105197891A,2015-12-30.

[7]胡连喜,孙宇,万志鹏,邓太庆,姜巨福. 制备Ti/Al粉末体叶片成形装置及成形方法[P]. 黑龙江:CN104815938A,2015-08-05.

[8]胡连喜,段聪文,薛旦. 一种AlH3/MgCl2纳米复合物粉末的制备方法[P]. 黑龙江:CN103922284A,2014-07-16.

[9]胡连喜,周海萍,孙宏飞,孙宇,陈先觉. 一种Mg-Ti合金粉末的制备方法[P]. 黑龙江:CN103551583A,2014-02-05.

[10]胡连喜,徐岩,孙宇. 往复镦挤变形-等温退火制备镁合金半固态坯料的装置及方法[P]. 黑龙江:CN103343308A,2013-10-09.

[11]胡连喜,王欣,邓太庆,孙宇,刘祖岩. 基于Ti元素粉末和Al元素粉末制备TiAl金属间化合物零件的方法[P]. 黑龙江:CN103143709A,2013-06-12.

[12]王国军,胡连喜,王强,王尔德,刘显东. 一种镁合金薄板的制造方法[P]. 黑龙江:CN102304654A,2012-01-04.

[13]胡连喜,王尔德,叶磊,孙宏飞,王欣. TiAl金属间化合物类锻件的双室高温锻造成形装置及方法[P]. 黑龙江:CN101947617A,2011-01-19.

[14]胡连喜,王欣,叶磊,王尔德,王珩,刘祖岩. TiAl金属间化合物材料的高温热挤压成形方法[P]. 黑龙江:CN101856675A,2010-10-13.

[15]王尔德,王欣,胡连喜,杨德山. 镁或镁合金箔材的轧制制作方法[P]. 黑龙江:CN101658859,2010-03-03.

[16]王尔德,王欣,胡连喜,杨德山. 镁或镁合金薄板温轧制造方法[P]. 黑龙江:CN101653778,2010-02-24.

[17]胡连喜,王欣,李玉平,袁媛,房文斌,王尔德. 纳米晶NdFeB高致密磁体的制备方法[P]. 黑龙江:CN101651037,2010-02-17.

[18]胡连喜,王尔德,王珩,孙宏飞,袁媛. 基于纳米晶氢化态镁合金粉末制备块体纳米晶镁合金材料的装置和方法[P]. 黑龙江:CN101403053,2009-04-08.

[19]胡连喜,袁媛,武阳,王珩,王波,房文斌,李玉平. 一种制备纳米晶镁合金粉末的方法[P]. 黑龙江:CN101116913,2008-02-06.

[20]胡连喜,李玉平,袁媛,王尔德,刘祖岩. 一种制备纳米晶NdFeB各向异性磁粉的方法[P]. 黑龙江:CN101090014,2007-12-19.

[21]胡连喜,王尔德,石刚,郭斌,李玉平,房文斌. 一种制备Nd2Fe14B/α-Fe纳米双相永磁材料粉末的方法[P]. 黑龙江:CN1805084,2006-07-19.

[22]王尔德,于洋,王晓琳,胡连喜,刘祖岩,孙宏飞. 一种制造微晶镁合金反向温度场挤压方法[P]. 黑龙江:CN1672828,2005-09-28.

[23]王尔德,胡连喜,于洋,孙宏飞. 铜基电极粉末形变复合材料制备方法[P]. 黑龙江:CN1483535,2004-03-24.

[24]王尔德,于振兴,刘祖岩,胡连喜,房文斌. 一种添加过渡金属氧化物的镁基储氢材料[P]. 黑龙江:CN1429923,2003-07-16.


[1]姜巨福,黄敏杰,王迎,胡连喜,管仁国,付莹. 一种半固态流变压铸成形铝合金5G通信基站机箱壳体件的模具及其使用方法[P]. 黑龙江省:CN112296309B,2022-02-15.

[2]胡连喜,段聪文,孙宇. 一种从AlH-3/MgCl-2纳米复合物中提取α-AlH-3粉末的方法[P]. 黑龙江省:CN105197891B,2017-06-13.

[3]胡连喜,孙宇,万志鹏,邓太庆,姜巨福. 制备Ti/Al粉末体叶片成形装置及成形方法[P]. 黑龙江省:CN104815938B,2016-11-30.

[4]胡连喜,段聪文,薛旦. 一种AlH3/MgCl2纳米复合物粉末的制备方法[P]. 黑龙江省:CN103922284B,2015-08-05.

[5]胡连喜,王欣,邓太庆,孙宇,刘祖岩. 基于Ti元素粉末和Al元素粉末制备TiAl金属间化合物零件的方法[P]. 黑龙江省:CN103143709B,2014-10-29.

[6]王国军,胡连喜,王强,王尔德,刘显东. 一种镁合金薄板的制造方法[P]. 黑龙江省:CN102304654B,2012-09-26.

[7]胡连喜,王尔德,叶磊,孙宏飞,王欣. TiAl金属间化合物类锻件的双室高温锻造成形装置及方法[P]. 黑龙江省:CN101947617B,2012-03-21.

[8]胡连喜,王欣,叶磊,王尔德,王珩,刘祖岩. TiAl金属间化合物材料的高温热挤压成形方法[P]. 黑龙江省:CN101856675B,2011-11-16.

[9]胡连喜,王欣,李玉平,袁媛,房文斌,王尔德. 纳米晶NdFeB高致密磁体的制备方法[P]. 黑龙江省:CN101651037B,2011-06-22.

[10]王尔德,王欣,胡连喜,杨德山. 镁或镁合金箔材的轧制制作方法[P]. 黑龙江省:CN101658859B,2011-05-11.

[11]胡连喜,王尔德,王珩,孙宏飞,袁媛. 基于纳米晶氢化态镁合金粉末制备块体纳米晶镁合金材料的装置和方法[P]. 黑龙江省:CN101403053B,2010-08-11.

[12]胡连喜,李玉平,袁媛,王尔德,刘祖岩. 一种制备纳米晶NdFeB各向异性磁粉的方法[P]. 黑龙江省:CN100483570C,2009-04-29.

[13]王尔德,于洋,王晓琳,胡连喜,刘祖岩,孙宏飞. 一种制造微晶镁合金反向温度场挤压方法[P]. 黑龙江省:CN1310711C,2007-04-18.

[14]王尔德,胡连喜,于洋,孙宏飞,刘祖岩. W-Cu或Cu-Cr粉末形变复合电极材料制备方法[P]. 黑龙江省:CN1233492C,2005-12-28.

[15]王尔德,于振兴,刘祖岩,胡连喜,房文斌. 一种添加有过渡金属氧化物的镁基储氢材料[P]. 黑龙江省:CN1204282C,2005-06-01.




[1]Gao, Fei; Sun, Yu*; Hu, Lianxi; Shen, Jingyuan; Liu, Wenchao; Ba, Meiyi; Deng, Cheng.Microstructural evolution and thermal stability in a nanocrystalline lightweight TiAlV0.5CrMo refractory high-entropy alloy synthesized by mechanical alloying.Materials Letters, 2022, 329: 133179.

[2]Liu, Wenchao; Sun, Yu*; Deng, Cheng; Hu, Lianxi; Yuan, Shangjing; Shen, Jingyuan; Gao, Fei; Ba, Meiyi.Cu strengthened Al-Si-Cu semi-solid billet fabricated by liquid phase reaction sintering.Materials Characterization, 2022, 188: 111925.

[3]Deng, Cheng; Jiang, Menglong; Wang, Di; Yang, Yongqiang; Trofimov, Vyacheslav; Hu, Lianxi; Han, Changjun*.Microstructure and Superior Corrosion Resistance of an In-Situ Synthesized NiTi-Based Intermetallic Coating via Laser Melting Deposition.Nanomaterials, 2022, 12(4): 705.

[4]Wan, Zhi-Peng; Shen, Jing-Yuan*; Wang, Tao; Wei, Kang; Li, Zhao; Yan, Sen; Liu, Meng; Hu, Lian-Xi*.Effect of Hot Deformation Parameters on the Dissolution of gamma ' Precipitates for As-Cast Ni-Based Superalloys (Sept, 10.1007/s11665-021-06276-0, 2021).Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2022, 31(2): 1607-1608.

[5]Shen, Jingyuan; Zhang, Lingyu; Sun, Yu*; Hu, Lianxi*; Yu, Sen; Fang, Aiwei; Yu, Huan*.An exceptional ductility of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheet achieved by consecutive multi-pass cooperative lowered-temperature rolling.Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 2022, 831: 142343.

[6]Yu, Huan; Zhou, Jixue; Wang, Rongrong; Su, Qian*; Zhang, Suqing; Wu, Jianhua; Wang, Xin; Hu, Lianxi*.Effects of hot pressing temperature and annealing temperature on microstructure and compressive properties of a bulk nanocrystalline AZ61 magnesium alloy contain Ti.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 888: 161533.

[7]Liu, Wenchao; Hu, Lianxi*; Sun, Yu*; Jia, Jianbo; Shen, Jingyuan; Sun, Shangqing; Jiang, Jufu.Microstructural properties, thermodynamics and kinetics of Al-Si semi-solid billet fabricated by liquid phase reaction sintering.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 885: 160932.

[8]Feng, Xiaoyun; Hu, Lianxi*; Sun, Yu*.Optimization of the hot working parameters of a nickel-based superalloy using a constitutive-dynamic recrystallization model and three-dimensional processing map.Journal of Materials Science, 2021, 56(27): 15441-15462.

[9]Shen, Jingyuan; Zhang, Lingyu; Hu, Lianxi*; Liu, Wenchao; Fang, Aiwei; Yao, Zekun; Ning, Yongquan*; Ren, Lili; Sun, Yu*.Towards strength-ductility synergy through a novel technique of multi-pass lowered-temperature drawing in AZ31 magnesium alloys.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2021, 873: 159604.

[10]Shen, Jingyuan; Zhang, Lingyu; Hu, Lianxi*; Sun, Yu*; Gao, Fei; Liu, Wenchao; Yu, Huan*.Effect of subgrain and the associated DRX behaviour on the texture modification of Mg6.63Zn0.56Zr alloy during hot tensile deformation.Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 2021, 823: 141745.

[11]Duan, Congwen*; Su, Zhaohua; Cao, Yizheng; Hu, Lianxi; Fu, Dong; Ma, Jinlong; Zhang, Yuling*.Synthesis of core-shell alpha-AlH3@Al(OH)(3) nanocomposite with improved low-temperature dehydriding properties by mechanochemical mixing and ionic liquid treatment.Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, 283: 124635.

[12]Liu, Wenchao; Hu, Lianxi*; Shen, Jingyuan; Gao, Fei; Sun, Yu.Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of Al-8wt. % Si semi-solid billet fabricated by powder metallurgy liquid phase reaction sintering.Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 2021, 802: 140656.

[13]Shen, Jingyuan; Hu, Lianxi*; Zhang, Lingyu; Liu, Wenchao; Fang, Aiwei; Sun, Yu*.Synthesis of TiAl/Nb composites with concurrently enhanced strength and plasticity by powder metallurgy.Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 2020, 795: 139997.

[14]Shen, J. Y.; Hu, L. X.*; Sun, Y.*; Feng, X. Y.; Fang, A. W.; Wan, Z. P..Hot deformation behaviors and three-dimensional processing map of a nickel-based superalloy with initial dendrite microstructure.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 822: 153735.

[15]Korim, Nada S.*; Hu, Lianxi.Study the densification behavior and cold compaction mechanisms of solid particles-based powder and spongy particles-based powder using a multi-particle finite element method.Materials Research Express, 2020, 7(5): 056509.

[16]Duan Congwen*; Cao Yizheng; Hu Lianxi; Zhang Yuling; Fu Dong; Ma Jinlong; Zhang Jinghong.Mechanochemical synthesis of the alpha-AlH3/LiCl nano-composites by reaction of LiH and AlCl3: Kinetics modeling and reaction mechanism.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44(42): 23716-23725.

[17]Duan, Congwen*; Cao, Yizheng; Hu, Lianxi; Fu, Dong*; Ma, Jinlong; Youngblood, Jeffrey.An efficient mechanochemical synthesis of alpha-aluminum hydride: Synergistic effect of TiF3 on the crystallization rate and selective formation of alpha-aluminum hydride polymorph.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 373: 141-151.

[18]Shen, Jingyuan; Sun, Yu; Ning, Yongquan*; Yu, Huan; Yao, Zekun; Hu, Lianxi*.Superplasticity induced by the competitive DRX between BCC beta and HCP alpha in Ti-4Al-3V-2Mo-2Fe alloy.Materials Characterization, 2019, 153: 304-317.

[19]Shen, Jingyuan*; Hu, Lianxi*; Sun, Yu*; Wan, Zhipeng; Feng, Xiaoyun; Ning, Yongquan*.A Comparative Study on Artificial Neural Network, Phenomenological-Based Constitutive and Modified Fields-Backofen Models to Predict Flow Stress in Ti-4Al-3V-2Mo-2Fe Alloy.Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2019, 28(7): 4302-4315.

[20]Duan, Congwen*; Cao, Yizheng; Hu, Lianxi; Fu, Dong*; Ma, Jinglong.Synergistic effect of TiF3 on the dehydriding property of alpha-AlH3 nano-composite.Materials Letters, 2019, 238: 254-257.

[21]Sun, Yu; Zhang, Heng; Wan, Zhi-peng; Ren, Li-li; Hu, Lian-xi*.Establishment of a novel constitutive model considering dynamic recrystallization behavior of Ti22Al25Nb alloy during hot deformation.Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2019, 29(3): 546-557.

[22]Wan Zhipeng*; Wang Tao; Sun Yu; Hu Lianxi; Li Zhao; Li Peihuan; Zhang Yong.Dynamic Softening Mechanisms of GH4720Li Alloy During Hot Deformation.Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2019, 55(2): 213-222.

[22]Cao, Zhuo-han; Sun, Yu; Zhou, Chen; Wan, Zhi-peng; Yang, Wen-hua; Ren, Li-li; Hu, Lian-xi*.Cellular automaton simulation of dynamic recrystallization behavior in V-10Cr-5Ti alloy under hot deformation conditions.Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2019, 29(1): 98-111.

[24]Yu Huan; Zhou Haiping; Sun Yu*; Ren Lili; Wan Zhipeng; Hu Lianxi*.Microstructures and mechanical properties of ultrafine-grained Ti/AZ31 magnesium matrix composite prepared by powder metallurgy.Advanced Powder Technology, 2018, 29(12): 3241-3249.

[25]Wan, Zhipeng; Hu, Lianxi*; Sun, Yu*; Wang, Tao; Li, Zhao.Hot deformation behavior and processing workability of a Ni-based alloy.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 769: 367-375.

[26]Wan, Zhipeng; Hu, Lianxi*; Sun, Yu*; Wang, Tao; Li, Zhao; Zhang, Yong.Effect of solution treatment on microstructure and tensile properties of a U720LI Ni-based superalloy .Vacuum, 2018, 156: 248-255.

[27]Cao, Zhuohan*; Sun, Yu; Wan, Zhipeng; Hu, Lianxi.Investigation on Cracking Behavior and Development of a Fracture Model of Ti47Al2Nb2Cr Alloy During Hot Deformation.Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2018, 27(10): 5360-5369.

[28]Sun, Yu; Feng, Xiaoyun; Hu, Lianxi*; Zhang, Heng; Zhang, Hongzhi.Characterization on hot deformation behavior of Ti-22Al-25Nb alloy using a combination of 3D processing maps and finite element simulation method.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 753: 256-271.

[29]Sun, Yu*; Cao, Zhuohan; Wan, Zhipeng; Hu, Lianxi*; Ye, Wenhong; Li, Niankui; Fan, Changlong.3D processing map and hot deformation behavior of 6A02 aluminum alloy.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 742: 356-368.

[30]Duan, C. W.*; Hu, L. X.; Ma, J. L. Ionic liquids as an efficient medium for the mechanochemical synthesis of alpha-AlH3 nano-composites.Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2018, 6(15): 6309-6318.

[31]Yu Huan; Sun Yu*; Wan Zhipeng; Zhou Haiping; Hu Lianxi*.Nanocrystalline Ti/AZ61 magnesium matrix composite: Evolution of microstructure and mechanical property during annealing treatment.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 741: 231-239.

[32]Wan Zhipeng; Sun Yu; Hu Lianxi*; Yu Huan.Modeling of the Critical Conditions on Dynamic Recrystallization for TiAl-based Alloy.Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2018, 47(3): 835-839.

[33]Wang Tao*; Wan Zhipeng; Sun Yu; Li Zhao; Zhang Yong; Hu Lianxi.Dynamic Softening Behavior and Microstructure Evolution of Nickel Base Superalloy.Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2018, 54(1): 83-92.

[34]Zhang Heng; Sun Yu; Hu Lianxi*.Ball Milling Processing of Fine Crystal Ti2AlNb-based Alloy Powder Based on Back-propagation Neural Network.Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2017, 46(12): 3868-3874.

[35]Xu Yan; Jia Jianbo*; Chen Chen; Liu Wenchao; Luo Shuyi; Yang Yue; Hu Lianxi.Thixoforming of semi-solid AZ91D alloy with high solid fraction prepared by the RUE-based SIMA process.International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2017, 93(9-12): 4317-4328.

[36]Yu, Huan; Zhou, Haiping; Sun, Yu*; Hu, Lianxi*; Wan, Zhipeng.Microstructure thermal stability of nanocrystalline AZ31 magnesium alloy with titanium addition by mechanical milling.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 722: 39-47.

[37]Jia, Jianbo; Xu, Yan*; Yang, Yue; Chen, Chen; Liu, Wenchao; Hu, Lianxi; Luo, Junting.Microstructure evolution of an AZ9ID magnesium alloy subjected to intense plastic straining.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 721: 347-362.

[38]Sun Yu; Wan Zhipeng; Hu Lianxi*; Wu Binghua; Deng Taiqing.Characterization on Solid Phase Diffusion Reaction Behavior and Diffusion Reaction Kinetic of Ti/Al.Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2017, 46(8): 2080-2086.

[39]Wan Zhipeng; Sun Yu*; Hu Lianxi*; Yu Huan.Dynamic softening behavior and microstructural characterization of TiAl-based alloy during hot deformation.Materials Characterization, 2017, 130: 25-32.

[40]Yu, Huan; Sun, Yu; Hu, Lianxi*; Wan, Zhipeng; Zhou, Haiping.The effect of Ti addition on microstructure evolution of AZ61 Mg alloy during mechanical milling.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 704: 537-544.

[41]Yu, Huan; Sun, Yu; Hu, Lianxi*; Wan, Zhipeng; Zhou, Haiping.Microstructure and properties of mechanically milled AZ61 powders dispersed with submicron/nanometer Ti particulates.Materials Characterization, 2017, 127: 272-278.

[42]Ryo, Hyok-Su*; Hu, Lian-Xi; Kim, Jin-Guk; Yang, Yu-Lin.Micromagnetic finite element study for magnetic properties of nanocomposite exchange coupled Nd2Fe14B/alpha-Fe multilayer systems.Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2017, 426: 328-333.

[43]Ryo, Hyok-Su*; Hu, Lian-Xi*; Yang, Yu-Lin.Micromagnetic study for magnetic properties of exchange coupled nanocomposite magnetic systems with Nd2Fe14B grains embedded in alpha-Fe matrix.Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2017, 426: 46-52.

[44]Zhipeng Wan; Yu Sun*; Lianxi Hu*; Huan Yu.Experimental study and numerical simulation of dynamic recrystallization behavior of TiAl-based alloy.Materials & Design, 2017, 122: 11-20.

[45]Ryo, Hyok-Su*; Hu, Lian-Xi*; Kim, Jin-Guk; Yang, Yu-Lin.Micromagnetic Study for Magnetic Properties of Exchange-Coupled Nanocomposite Magnetic Systems With alpha-Fe Grains Embedded in Nd2Fe14B Matrix.IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 2017, 53(2): 7400207.

[46]Yu, Huan; Sun, Yu; Hu, Lianxi*; Zhou, Haiping; Wan, Zhipeng.Microstructural evolution of AZ61-10 at.% Ti composite powders during mechanical milling.Materials and Design, 2016, 104: 265-275.

[47]Xu, Yan*; Hu, Lianxi; Jia, Jianbo; Xu, Bo.Microstructure evolution of a SIMA processed AZ91D magnesium alloy based on repetitive upsetting-extrusion (RUE) process.Materials Characterization, 2016, 118: 309-323.

[48]Liu Xiaoya; Hu Lianxi*; Sun Yu; Li Yuping; Sun Honfei.Crystallographic alignment and magnetic anisotropy inducement from as-deformed disproportionated Nd(Fe, Co)B alloy with different deformation ratios.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 668: 137-145.

[49]Sun, Y.; Ye, W. H.; Hu, L. X.*.Constitutive Modeling of High-Temperature Flow Behavior of Al-0.62Mg-0.73Si Aluminum Alloy.Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2016, 25(4): 1621-1630.

[50]Zhou, Haiping; Hu, Lianxi*; Sun, Yu; Zhang, Hongbin; Duan, Congwen; Yu, Huan.Synthesis of nanocrystalline AZ31 magnesium alloy with titanium addition by mechanical milling.Materials Characterization, 2016, 113: 108-116.

[51]Duan Congwen; Hu Lianxi; Sun Yu; Wan Zhipeng.Hydrogen desorption behaviour and microstructure evolution of a gamma-AlH3/MgCl2 nano-composite during dehydriding.RSC Advances, 2016, 6(78): 74215-74224.

[52]Zhou Haiping; Hu Lianxi*; Yu, Sun; Heng, Wang.Recycling of AZ40 Magnesium Alloy Scraps by Hydriding-Dehydriding and Subsequent Consolidation Processing.Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2015, 24(9): 3666-3672.

[53]Zhou Haiping; Hu Lianxi*; Sun Hongfei; Chen Xianjue.Synthesis of nanocrystalline Mg-based Mg-Ti composite powders by mechanical milling.Materials Characterization, 2015, 106: 44-51.

[54]Sun, Yu*; Hu, Lianxi; Ren, Junshuai.Modeling the Constitutive Relationship of Powder Metallurgy Ti-47Al-2Nb-2Cr Alloy During Hot Deformation.Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2015, 24(3): 1313-1321.

[55]Xu, Yan; Hu, Lian-xi*; Sun, Yu; Jia, Jian-bo; Jiang, Ju-fu; Ma, Qing-guo.Microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ61 magnesium alloy prepared by repetitive upsetting-extrusion.Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2015, 25(2): 381-388.

[56]Duan C W; Hu L X; Xue D.Solid state synthesis of nano-sized AlH3 and its dehydriding behaviour.Green Chemistry, 2015, 17(6): 3466-3474.

[57]Duan C W; Hu L X*; Sun Y; Zhou H P; Yu H.Reaction kinetics for the solid state synthesis of the AlH3/MgCl2 nano-composite by mechanical milling.Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015, 17(34): 22152-22159.

[58]Duan Congwen; Hu Lianxi*; Sun Yu.Effect of Zn and Zr addition on the synthesis of an AlH3/MgCl2 nanocomposite and its de-hydriding properties.RSC Advances, 2015, 5(22): 17104-17108.

[59]Duan Congwen; Hu Lianxi*; Sun Yu; Zhou Haiping; Yu Huan.An insight into the process and mechanism of a mechanically activated reaction for synthesizing AlH3 nano-composites.Dalton Transactions, 2015, 44(37): 16251-16255.

[60]Y. Sun; L.X. Hu*; J.S. Ren.Investigation on the hot deformation behavior of powder metallurgy TiAl-based alloy using 3D processing map.Materials Characterization, 2015, 100: 163-169.

[61]Yu Sun; Zhipeng Wan; Lianxi Hu*; Junshuai Ren.Characterization of hot processing parameters of powder metallurgy TiAl-based alloy based on the activation energy map and processing map.Materials and Design, 2015, 86: 922-932.

[62]Yan Xu; Lianxi Hu*; Yu Sun; Qingguo Ma。Repetitive upsetting-extrusion process and microstructure evolution of an AZ61 magnesium alloy. Materials Research Innovations, 2014, 18.

[63]Xu Y; Hu L*; Sun Y; Ma Q.Repetitive upsetting extrusion process and microstructure evolution of AZ61 magnesium alloy.Materials Research Innovations, 2014, 18(sup4): 173-177.

[64]Sun, Y.*; Hu, L. X. Modelling optimisation of hot processing parameters of Ti-6Al-4V alloy using artificial neural network and genetic algorithm.Materials Research Innovations, 2014, 18: 1052-1056.

[65]Xu, Yan; Hu, Lian-xi*; Sun, Yu.Dynamic recrystallization kinetics of as-cast AZ91D alloy.Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2014, 24(6): 1683-1689.

[66]Yan Xu; Lianxi Hu*; Taiqing Deng; Lei Ye. Hot deformation behavior and processing map of as-cast AZ61 magnesium alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing, 2013, 559: 528-533.

[67]Yan Xu, Lianxi Hu*, Yu Sun. Processing map and kinetic analysis for hot deformation of an as-cast AZ91D magnesium alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2013, 578: 402-407.

[68]Liu Xiaoya; Hu Lianxi*; Mei Yi. Kinetics of mechanically activated disproportionation of NdFeB alloy during reactive milling in hydrogen: experimental studies, mechanism and modelling. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38(31): 13694-13701.

[69]Liu Xiaoya; Hu Lianxi*; Li Yuping; Deng Taiqing. Grain texture, Nd content and processing condition effects on magnetic properties of NdFeB composite magnets. Modern Physics Letters B, 2013, 27(19): 1341026.

[70]Liu, Xiaoya; Hu, Lianxi*. MC simulation of desorption-recombination reaction and grain growth of nano-structured disproportionated NdFeB alloy. Computational Materials Science, 2013, 67: 417-423.

[71]Xiaya Liu, Lianxi Hu*. Desorption-recombination kinetics and mechanism of a mechanically milled nano-structured Nd16Fe76B8 alloy during vacuum annealing. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 558 (2013) : 142-149

[72]Yan Xu; Lianxi Hu*; Yu Sun.Hot deformation behavior and microstructure evolution of as-cast AZ91D magnesium alloy without pre-homogenization treatment.Rare Metals, 2013, 32(4): 338-346.


[74]Liu Xiaoya; Hu Lianxi*; Wang Erde.Cold compaction behavior of nano-structured Nd-Fe-B alloy powders prepared by different processes.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013, 551: 682-687.

[75]Yan Xu, Lianxi Hu*, Yu Sun.  Deformation behaviour and dynamic recrystallization of AZ61 magnesium alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds2013, 580: 262-269.

[76]Liu Xiaoya; Li Yuping; Hu Lianxi*.Nanocrystalline NdFeB magnet prepared by mechanically activated disproportionation and desorption-recombination in-situ sintering.Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2012, 330: 25-30.

[77]Wenzhen Chen, Xin Wang, Lianxi Hu, Erde Wang, Fabrication of ZK60 magnesium alloy thin sheets with improved ductility  by cold rolling and annealing treatment, Materials & Design, 2012, 40: 319-323.

[78]Xin Wang, Lianxi Hu, Kai Liu, Yinlin Zhang, Grain growth kinetics of bulk AZ31 magnesium alloy by hot pressing, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2012, 527: 193-196.

[79]Hu Lianxi*, Wang Heng, Wang Xin, Hydrogenation kinetics of ZK60 Mg alloy during solid-gas reaction milling in hydrogen, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2012, 513: 343-346.

[80]Xiaoya Liu; Lianxi Hu*; Erde Wang.Cold compaction behavior of nano-structured Nd–Fe–B alloy powders prepared by different processes.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2012, 551: 682-687.

[81]Chen W Z*; Wang X; Wang E D; Liu Z Y; Hu L X.Texture dependence of uniform elongation for a magnesium alloy.Scripta Materialia, 2012, 67(10): 858-861.

[82]Wang Heng*; Wang Xin; Hu Lianxi.Dehydriding Kinetics of Nanocrystalline Hydrided Mg and Mg Alloy Powders.Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2012, 41(8): 1417-1420.

[83]Wang Hailu, Wang Guojun, Hu Lianxi*, Wang Erde, Effect of hot rolling on grain refining and mechanical properties of AZ40 magnesium alloy, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2011,21(S2) : 229-234。

[84]Wang Xin, Chen Wenzhen, Hu Lianxi*, Wang Guojun, Wang Erde, Microstructure refining and property improvement of ZK60 magnesium alloy by hot rolling, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2011, 21: S2:242-S246.

[85]Deng Tai Qing; Ye Lei; Sun Hong Fei; Hu Lian Xi*; Yuan Shi Jian, Development of flow stress model for hot deformation of Ti-47%Al alloy, ).Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2011, 21(S2): 308-314.  

[86]Li Yuping*; Hu Lianxi; Liu Xiaoya.Study on the Mechanism of Mechanically Activated Hydrogenation-Disproportionation of Nd16Fe76B8 Alloys.Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2011, 40(10): 1762-1766.

[87]Qing Miao; Lianxi Hu; Guojun Wang; Erde Wang.Fabrication of excellent mechanical properties AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets by conventional rolling and subsequent annealing.Materials Science and Engineering A, 2011, 528(22-23): 6694-6701.

[88]Liu Xiaoya, Wang Xin, Sun Hongfei, Hu Lianxi*, MC simulation in microstructure evolution and grain growth during desorption-recombination processing of NdFeB alloy, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2011, 21(S2): 412-416.

[89]Wang Xin*; Hu Lianxi; Wang Heng; Wang Erde.Microstructure and Properties of Mo-50%Cu Alloy by Mechanical Milling and Pressure-Assisted Solid State Sintering.Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2011, 40(5): 902-905.

[90]Miao Qing; Hu Lianxi; Wang Xin; Wang Erde.Grain growth kineticsof a fine grained AZ-31 magnesium alloy produced by hot rolling.Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2010, 493(1-2): 87-90.

[91]Wang Xin; Wang Heng; Hu Lian xi*; Wang Er de.Nanocrystalline Mg and Mg alloy powders by hydriding-dehydriding processing.Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2010, 20(7): 1326-1330.

[92] Wang Heng; Hu Lian xi*; Yuan Yuan; Wang Er de.Desorption behaviour and microstructure change of nanostructured hydrided AZ31 Mg alloy powders.Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2010, 20(4): 597-601.

[93]Hu Lianxi*; Li Yuping; Yuan Yuan Mechanically Activated Disproportionation and Microstructure Nanocrystallization of a Nd14Fe66.9Co11B8Zr0.1Ga1.0 Permanent Magnetic Alloy, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2009, 9(7): 4404-4409.

[94]Miao Qing, Hu Lianxi, Sun Hongfei, Wang Erde, Grain refining and property improvement of AZ31 Mg alloy by hot rolling, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 19(S2) (2009): 326-330

[95]Miao Qing; Hu Lianxi*; Wang Erde; Liang Shujing; Chao Hongyin. Microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ31magnesium alloy sheet by hot rolling. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2009, 23(6-7): 984-989.

[96]Yuan Yuan; Wang Heng; Hu Lian xi*; Sun Hong fei; Fang Wen bin. Hydriding and microstructure nanocrystallization of ZK60 Mg alloy by reaction milling in hydrogen. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2009, 19 (S2): 363-367

[97]Wang Heng; Wang Xin; Hu Lianxi*.Preparation of Nanocrystalline MgH2 by Solid-Gas Reaction Milling in Hydrogen.Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2009, 38(4): 696-699.

[98]He Wen xiong*; Yu Yang; Wang Er de; Sun Hong fei; Hu Lian xi; Chen Hui.Microstructures and properties of cold drawn and annealed submicron crystalline Cu-5%Cr alloy.Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2009, 19(1): 93-98.

[99]Wenxiong He, Erde Wang, Lianxi Hu, Yang Yu, Hongfei Sun, Effect of extrusion on microstructure and properties of a submicron crystalline Cu-5 wt.%Cr alloy, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2008, 208: 205-210.

[100]Hu Lianxi, Li Yuping, Yuan Yuan, and Shi Gang, Desorption-recombination and microstructure change of a disproportionated nano-structured NdFeB alloy, Journal of Materials Research, 2008, 23(2): 427-434.

[101]Hu Lianxi, A. J. Williams, I. R. Harris, Effect of microstructural orientation on in situ electrical resistance monitoring during S-HDDR processing of a Nd16Fe76B8 alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2008, 460(1-2): 232-236.

[102]Hu Lianxi, Wu Yang, Yuan Yuan, Wang Heng, Microstructure nanocrystallization of a Mg-3 wt.%Al-1 wt.%Zn alloy by mechanically assisted hydriding–dehydriding, Materials Letters, 2008, 62(17-18): 2984-2987.

[103]Hu Lianxi, Wang Erde, Guo Bin, Shi Gang. Microstructure and magnetic properties of Nd2Fe24B/α-Fe nanocomposite prepared by HDDR combined with mechanical milling. Materials Science Forum, Vol. 434-536 (2007): 1349-1352   

[104]Wang Erde, Hu Lianxi. Nanocrystalline and ultrafine grained materials by mechanical alloying. Materials Science Forum, Vol. 434-536 (2007): 209-212  

[105]Li Yuping; Hu Lianxi; Guo Bin.Status Quo and development trend of NdFeB-type nanocrystalline two-phase composite permanent magnetic materials.Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2007, 36: 138-142.

[106]Yu Yang; Wang Erde; Hu Lianxi.Microstructure and mechanical properties of 93W-4.9Ni-2.1Fe alloy by hot hydrostatic extrusion.Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2007, 36(3): 408-411.

[107]Shi Gang, Hu Lianxi, Wang Erde. Preparation, microstructure, and magnetic properties of a nanocrystalline Nd12Fe82B6 alloy by HDDR combined with mechanical milling, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 301 (2006): 319-324

[108]Yu Yang, Hu Lianxi, Wang Erde, Microstructure and mechanical properties of a hot hydrostatically extruded 93W-4.9Ni-2.1Fe alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing,, 2006, 435-436: 620-624.

[109]Hu Lianxi*, Li Yuping, Wang Erde, Yu Yang, Ultrafine grained structure and mechanical properties of a LY12 Al alloy prepared by repetitive upsetting-extrusion, Materials Science and Engineering A, 2006, 422(1-2): 327-332.

[110]Hu Lianxi*, Yuan Yuan, Luo Shoujing, Fabrication, microstructure and mechanical properties of a SiCw/ZK51A Mg composite by semi-solid extrusion directly following liquid infiltration, Solid State Phenomena, Vols. 116-117 (2006): 354-357

[111]Zhiming Du, Weiwei Shan, Yuntao Cui, Qiucai Peng, Lianxi Hu, Numerical Simulation of Pressure Influence on Workpiece Properties during Thixoforging, Solid State Phenomena, Vols. 116-117 (2006) : 167-172.

[112]Qu SG; Li XQ*; Li YY; Hu LX; Wang ED.Manufacturing a TiAl alloy by high-energy ball milling and subsequent reactive sintering.Rare Metals, 2006, 25(1): 21-26.

[113]Fang Wenbin, Hu Lianxi, He Wenxiong, Wang Erde, Microstructure and properties of a TiAl alloy prepared by mechanical milling and subsequent reactive sintering, Materials Science and Engineering A, 403 (2005) : 186-190

[114]Hu Lianxi, Wang Erde, Hydrogen generation via hydrolysis of nanocrystalline MgH2 and MgH2-based composites, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 2005, 15 (5): 965-969

[115]He Wenxiong, Fang Wenbin, Wang Erde, Hu Lianxi, Li Daren, Synthesis of TiAl based alloy by mechanical milling, warm pressing and reactive sintering, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 2005, 15 (S2)

[116]Shi Gang, Hu Lianxi, Guo Bin, Sun Xiudong, Wang Erde. Nd2Fe14B/α-Fe nanocomposites prepared by mechanically activated disproportionation and subsequent desorption -recombination, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 475-479 (2005): 2185-2188

[117]Shi Gang, Hu Lianxi, Guo Bin, Sun Xiudong, Wang Erde. Nd2Fe14B/α-Fe nanocomposites prepared by mechanically activated disproportionation and subsequent desorption -recombination, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 475-479 (2005)

[118]G. Shi, L. X. Hu, B. Guo, E. D. Wang, and Z. R. Wang. Phase and structural changes of Nd12Fe82B6 alloy during mechanical milling in argon and hydrogen. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 151(1-3) (2004)

[119]Hu Lianxi, Li Xiaoqiang, Wang Erde. Mechanically synthesised nanocrystalline Ti/Al composite powders as precursor for TiAl alloy via reactive sintering. Journal of Advanced Materials, 2004

[120]J. L. Liu, E. D. Wang, Z. Y. Liu, L. X. Hu, Phases interface in deformation processed Cu-15 wt.%Cr composite prepared by elemental powders, Materials Science and Engineering A, 382 (2004)

[121]Li XQ*; Li YY; Chen WP; Long Y; Hu LX; Wang ED.Unique microstructure and property of a 2024 aluminum alloy subjected to upsetting extrusion multiple processing.Rare Metals, 2004, 23(1): 74-78.

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[123]Wang Erde, Fang Wenbin, Hu Lianxi, Yu Yang. Effect of temperature on plasticity of 95W-5(Ni/Fe/Co) alloy. Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China. 2003, 13 (S1)

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[1]申景园,胡连喜,王皓洋. Nb相增塑核壳结构TiAl/Nb复合材料的制备及组织性能研究[J]. 粉末冶金材料科学与工程,2023 :1-9.

[2]刘文超,邓澄*,胡连喜*,孙宇*,高飞. 液相反应烧结制备Al–Si合金半固态坯料[J]. 粉末冶金技术,2022,40(05):465-470.

[3]张小红,于欢,胡连喜. 高强AZ61Mg-18%Ti复合材料的制备及力学性能[J]. 粉末冶金技术,2021,39(06):532-536.

[4]张小红,孙上清,王政然,胡连喜*. 粉末冶金法制备SiCp/Cu复合材料及组织性能研究[J]. 粉末冶金工业,2021,31(05):54-60.

[5]万志鹏,王涛,李钊,韦康,张勇,孙宇,胡连喜. 晶界一次γ′相对GH4720Li合金晶粒长大行为的影响[J]. 材料热处理学报,2020,41(08):173-181.

[6]万志鹏,王涛,李钊,李佩桓,张勇,孙宇,胡连喜. 绝热升温与摩擦效应对合金热压缩变形流动应力的影响[J]. 塑性工程学报,2020,27(08):166-171.

[7]张小红,申景园,孙宇,胡连喜. 挤压致密超细WC/纳米Al2O3弥散强化铜基复合材料的组织性能研究[J]. 粉末冶金技术,2019,37(06):422-427.

[8]张小红,申景园,李超,胡连喜. 超细WC/纳米Al2O3弥散强化铜基复合材料粉末制备及其压制特性[J]. 粉末冶金工业,2019,29(06):66-70.

[9]孙宇,张恒,万志鹏,任丽丽,胡连喜. 基于动态再结晶软化理论的Ti-22Al-25Nb合金新型本构关系模型(英文)[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2019,29(03):546-557.

[10]万志鹏,王涛,孙宇,胡连喜,李钊,李佩桓,张勇. GH4720Li合金热变形过程动态软化机制[J]. 金属学报,2019,55(02):213-222.

[11]曹倬菡,孙宇,周琛,万志鹏,杨文华,任丽丽,胡连喜. 热变形条件下V-10Cr-5Ti合金动态再结晶行为的元胞自动机模拟(英文)[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2019,29(01):98-111.

[12]胡连喜,冯小云. 粉末冶金高温合金研究及发展现状[J]. 粉末冶金工业,2018,28(04):1-7.

[13]曹倬菡,孙宇,万志鹏,任丽丽,胡连喜. TiAl合金高温变形过程临界损伤模型[J]. 中国有色金属学报,2018,28(04):670-676.

[14]万志鹏,孙宇,胡连喜,于欢. TiAl基合金动态再结晶临界模型建立[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程,2018,47(03):835-839.

[15]王涛,万志鹏,孙宇,李钊,张勇,胡连喜. 镍基变形高温合金动态软化行为与组织演变规律研究[J]. 金属学报,2018,54(01):83-92.

[16]张恒,孙宇,胡连喜. 基于BP神经网络的细晶Ti2AlNb基合金粉末球磨工艺研究[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程,2017,46(12):3868-3874.

[17]孙宇,万志鹏,胡连喜,吴兵华,邓太庆. Ti/Al固相扩散反应行为及其动力学研究(英文)[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程,2017,46(08):2080-2086.

[18]孙宇,周琛,万志鹏,任丽丽,胡连喜. 金属材料动态再结晶模型研究现状[J]. 材料导报,2017,31(13):12-16.

[19]周琛,孙宇,胡连喜,叶文宏,万志鹏. 6A02铝合金动态再结晶临界模型研究[J]. 中国科技论文,2017,12(04):449-453.

[20]孙宇,胡连喜,宗影影. 基于90后大学生群体特征的主动合作学习模式的探索[J]. 科技创新导报,2015,12(20):220-221.

[21]徐岩,胡连喜,孙宇,贾建波,姜巨福,马庆国. 循环镦-挤制备AZ61镁合金的显微组织与力学性能(英文)[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2015,25(02):381-388.

[22]徐岩,胡连喜,孙宇. 铸态AZ91D镁合金的动态再结晶动力学(英文)[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2014,24(06):1683-1689.

[23]邓太庆,胡连喜. Ti-47.at% Al合金的等温锻造模拟[J]. 材料科学与工艺,2013,21(04):89-94.

[24]刘晓亚*,李玉平,胡连喜. NdFeB粘结磁体材料研究新进展[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程,2012,41(10):1875-1880.

[25]王珩,王辛,胡连喜. 纳米晶氢化态镁及镁合金粉末的脱氢动力学研究[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程,2012,41(08):1417-1420.

[26]李玉平,胡连喜,刘晓亚. 机械力驱动下Nd16Fe76B8合金氢化-歧化反应机理研究[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程,2011,40(10):1762-1766.

[27]刘晓亚,王欣,孙宏飞,胡连喜. NdFeB合金粉末脱氢-再结合过程组织演变和晶粒生长的Monte Carlo模拟(英文)[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2011,21(S2):412-416.

[28]王海露,王国军,胡连喜,王强,王尔德. 热轧变形对AZ40Mg合金晶粒细化与力学性能的影响(英文)[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2011,21(S2):229-234.

[29]王欣,陈文振,胡连喜,王国军,王尔德. ZK60镁合金在热轧过程中的组织细化及性能改善(英文)[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2011,21(S2):242-246.

[30]邓太庆,叶磊,孙宏飞,胡连喜,苑世剑. Ti-47%Al合金在热变形下的流动应力本构模型(英文)[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2011,21(S2):308-314.

[31]胡连喜*,王尔德. 粉末冶金难变形材料热静液挤压技术进展[J]. 中国材料进展,2011,30(07):48-56.

[32]王欣,胡连喜,王珩,王尔德. 机械球磨热压烧结Mo-50%Cu合金的组织性能[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程,2011,40(05):902-905.

[33]王欣,杨闯,胡连喜. 铸态AZ31镁合金板材等温轧制工艺及组织性能研究[J]. 材料科学与工艺,2011,19(02):34-37.

[34]王辛,王珩,胡连喜,王尔德. Nanocrystalline Mg and Mg alloy powders by hydriding-dehydriding processing[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2010,20(07):1326-1330.

[35]王珩,胡连喜,袁媛,王尔德. Desorption behaviour and microstructure change of nanostructured hydrided AZ31 Mg alloy powders[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2010,20(04):597-601.

[36]袁媛,王珩,胡连喜,孙宏飞,房文斌. Hydriding and microstructure nanocrystallization of ZK60 Mg alloy by reaction milling in hydrogen[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2009,19(S2):363-367.

[37]苗青,胡连喜,孙宏飞,王尔德. Grain refining and property improvement of AZ31 Mg alloy by hot rolling[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2009,19(S2):326-330.

[38]钱鹏,胡连喜*,苗青,王尔德. AZ31镁合金差温热轧过程的晶粒细化[J]. 塑性工程学报,2009,16(04):121-124.

[39]王珩,王辛,胡连喜. 固-气反应球磨制备纳米晶MgH2的研究[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程,2009,38(04):696-699.

[40]贺文雄,于洋,王尔德,孙宏飞,胡连喜,陈晖. Microstructures and properties of cold drawn and annealed submicron crystalline Cu-5%Cr alloy[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2009,19(01):93-98.

[41]王珩,胡连喜,陈先觉,王尔德. 高能球磨制备纳米晶镁合金粉末的研究[J]. 粉末冶金技术,2008,26(06):403-406+412.

[42]王珩,胡连喜,陈先觉. AZ31镁合金粉末氢气氛下机械球磨的组织演变[J]. 材料工程,2008,(10):183-186.

[43]李玉平,胡连喜,郭斌. NdFeB系纳米双相复合永磁材料研究现状及发展趋势[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程,2007,(S3):138-142.

[44]于洋,王尔德,胡连喜. 热液静挤压93W-4.9Ni-2.1Fe合金显微组织与力学性能[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程,2007,(03):408-411.

[45]于洋,王尔德,胡连喜. 纳米晶钨粉对液相烧结93W合金组织性能影响[J]. 材料科学与工艺,2006,(04):385-388.

[46]王迎,于洋,王尔德,胡连喜. 挤压制备纳米晶复相Nd2Fe14B/α-Fe永磁材料相对密度的研究[J]. 粉末冶金技术,2006,(04):267-270.

[47]石刚,胡连喜,王尔德. 机械球磨与HDDR结合制备纳米晶Nd12Fe82B6合金粉末及其组织特征[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程,2006,(04):609-612.

[48]贺文雄,房文斌,王尔德,胡连喜,李达人,于洋. Synthesis of TiAl based alloy by mechanical milling, warm pressing and reactive sintering[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2005,(S2):193-198.

[49]胡连喜,王尔德. Hydrogen generation via hydrolysis of nanocrystalline MgH_2 and MgH_2-based composites[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2005,(05):13-18.

[50]石刚,王尔德,胡连喜,郭斌. 机械球磨法制备纳米复相Nd2Fe14B/α-Fe永磁材料的微观组织及磁性能[J]. 粉末冶金技术,2005,(04):273-278.

[51]于洋,王尔德,胡连喜,张宝友,于杰. 形变强化对93W-4.9Ni-2.1Fe合金组织及性能的影响[J]. 材料科学与工艺,2005,(04):108-110+114.

[52]王尔德,石刚,胡连喜. 充氢球磨及脱氢处理对纳米Nd2Fe14B/α-Fe组织和性能的影响[J]. 粉末冶金材料科学与工程,2005,(03):166-171.

[53]王尔德,石刚,郭斌,胡连喜. 稀土永磁材料研究新进展[J]. 粉末冶金技术,2005,(01):55-61.

[54]房文斌,王尔德,胡连喜,于洋,郭银运. 高密度钨合金热静液挤压流动粘度的数值计算[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程,2005,(01):33-36.

[55]于洋,胡连喜,线恒泽,易剑,王尔德. 机械球磨制备纳米晶Ni-30%Fe固溶体的研究[J]. 粉末冶金技术,2004,(06):328-332.

[56]王尔德,于洋,胡连喜,孙宏飞. W-Ni-Fe系高密度钨合金形变强化工艺研究进展[J]. 粉末冶金技术,2004,(05):303-307.

[57]李小强,李元元,龙雁,胡连喜,王尔德. 高能球磨Ti/Al粉末挤压固结致密过程数值分析[J]. 中国有色金属学报,2003,(06):1338-1342.

[58]王尔德,胡连喜,李小强. 高能球磨Ti/Al复合粉体的反应烧结致密行为[J]. 粉末冶金技术,2003,(05):259-263.

[59]胡连喜,石刚,王尔德. Mechanically activated disproportionation of NdFeB alloy by ball milling in hydrogen[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2003,(05):1070-1074.

[60]李小强,李元元,胡连喜,邵明,龙雁. 多道次镦-挤大变形对2024铝合金组织性能的影响[J]. 金属成形工艺,2003,21(05):37-39.

[61]孙宏飞,房文斌,韩飞,贺文雄,胡连喜,王尔德. Fabrication of composite wire of lead coated on glass fiber by extrusion[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2003,(03):609-612.

[62]王尔德,李小强,胡连喜. 粉末冶金法制备TiAl基合金[J]. 粉末冶金技术,2002,(05):287-293.

[63]李小强 ,胡连喜 ,王尔德 ,贺文雄 ,刘祖岩. Microstructure of TiAl alloy prepared by intense plastic deformation and subsequent reaction sintering[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2002,(04):621-624.

[64]王尔德,胡连喜. 机械合金化纳米晶材料研究进展[J]. 粉末冶金技术,2002,(03):134-138.

[65]李小强,胡连喜,王尔德. 机械球磨对Ti/Al混合粉末组织和热稳定性影响的研究[J]. 材料科学与工艺,2002,(01):14-18.

[66]李小强,胡连喜,王尔德. 机械球磨Ti50Al50复合粉的压制特性[J]. 中国有色金属学报,2001,(S1):44-47.

[67]李小强,胡连喜,王尔德. 机械球磨与反应烧结制备TiAl基合金[J]. 粉末冶金技术,2001,(03):131-135.

[68]李小强,胡连喜,王尔德. Ti-Al二元粉末机械合金化过程中组织结构的变化[J]. 稀有金属材料与工程,2001,(03):183-186.

[69]李小强,胡连喜,王尔德. Ti/Al二元粉末的机械合金化[J]. 中国有色金属学报,2001,(01):55-58.

[70]贺文雄,李小强,胡连喜,王尔德. 机械球磨对Ti-Al复合粉扩散反应的影响[J]. 材料科学与工艺,2000,(04):26-29.

[71]胡连喜,李小强,王尔德,丛飞. 挤压变形对SiC_w/ZK51A镁基复合材料组织和性能的影响[J]. 中国有色金属学报,2000,(05):680-683.

[72]胡连喜,王晓林,王尔德. Fabrication of high strength conductivity submicron crystalline Cu 5%Cr alloy by mechanical alloying[J]. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China,2000,(02):209-212.

[73]胡连喜,李志民,王晓琳,王尔德. 工艺参数对静液挤压2024铝合金纳米晶组织性能的影响[J]. 中国有色金属学报,1999,(S1):229-233.

[74]胡连喜,王尔德. 机械合金化Cu-5%Cr合金的制备及其组织性能的研究[J]. 粉末冶金工业,1999,(03):3-8.

[75]姚佳岩,胡连喜,王尔德. 液态浸渗后直接挤压铝基复合材料的力学性能[J]. 轻合金加工技术,1999,(03):43-46.

[76]胡连喜,杨绮雯,罗守靖,徐欣颖. 铝/氧化铝纤维预制体的液态浸渗动力学[J]. 中国有色金属学报,1998,(S1):80-84.

[77]胡连喜,丛飞,李念奎,聂波. 加压浸渗工艺制备CF/Al复合材料的研究[J]. 轻金属,1998,(10):51-54.

[78]胡连喜,罗守靖,霍文灿. 液态浸渗后直接挤压过程的载荷-位移特性[J]. 轻合金加工技术,1998,(10):45-48.

[79]罗守靖,胡连喜,姜秋华,霍文灿. 固—液态塑性加工技术的新进展[J]. 中国机械工程,1997,(02):96-98+125-126.

[80]任向前,胡连喜,孙晓梅,罗守靖. Al_2O_3sf/LY12复合材料型材液态浸渗后直接挤压过程的数值模拟[J]. 金属学报,1996,(05):544-551.

[81]罗守,胡连喜,张磊,霍文灿. 硅线石颗粒/LY12搅融混合后半固态挤压成形件组织与性能研究[J]. 锻压技术,1996,(02):3-7.

[82]罗守靖,胡连喜,张磊,霍文灿. 硅线石颗粒/LY12复合材料摩擦磨损性能研究[J]. 机械工程材料,1996,(02):26-29.

[83]胡连喜,罗守靖,霍文灿. Al22O3短纤维/Al-1.5wt%Mg复合材料的界面研究[J]. 理化检验(物理分册),1996,(01):25-27.

[84]罗守靖,胡连喜,霍文灿,张磊,姜秋华. 硅线石颗粒/铝搅融混合半固态挤压成材的试验研究[J]. 热加工工艺,1995,(03):11-13.

[85]胡连喜,罗守靖,霍文灿. 液态浸渗后直接挤压过程模具与坯料内部温度变化的研究[J]. 热加工工艺,1995,(02):3-5.

[86]聂波,李念奎,胡连喜. 铝-氧化铝复合材料压缩时的高温金相观察[J]. 理化检验(物理分册),1995,(01):13-15.

[87]胡连喜,罗守靖,杨绮雯,姜秋华. Al2O3sf/LY12复合材料在高温下的流动应力与塑性变形行为[J]. 塑性工程学报,1994,(04):42-48.

[88]李维仲,孟钢,胡连喜. 强化传热元件结构优化方法的研究[J]. 热能动力工程,1994,(02):89-92+127.

[89]胡连喜,罗守靖,霍文灿. 短纤维氧化铝/铝复合材料液态浸渗后直接挤压的试验研究[J]. 热加工工艺,1993,(06):16-18.

[90]李维仲,孟钢,胡连喜. 强化传热元件最佳结构及运行参数的确定[J]. 炼油设计,1993,23(06):49-51+73+6.

[91]罗守靖,胡连喜,霍文灿. 液态模锻钢平法兰裂纹扩展的研究[J]. 金属学报,1993,(10):46-50.

[92]蒋鹏,罗守靖,胡连喜. 用硅线石制造莫来石瓷的试验研究[J]. 陶瓷研究,1993,(03):123-126.

[93]罗守靖,李贺军,胡连喜,杨绮雯. 液态挤压下金属成形的力学研究[J]. 锻压技术,1993,(02):16-19.

[94]罗守靖,胡连喜. 液态模锻钢平法兰裂纹分布及其生成机制[J]. 金属科学与工艺,1992,(02):86-90.

[95]罗守靖,胡连喜. 液态模锻钢平法兰热裂纹形成的工艺模拟实验的研究[J]. 热加工工艺,1991,(02):13-15.

[96]罗守埥,霍文灿,胡连喜. 在Gleeble-1500动态热-力模拟机进行钢的高温力学性能研究[J]. 钢铁,1991,(08):54-57+67.


[1]孙宇,周琛,曹倬菡,胡连喜. 耦合本构关系的V-10Cr-5Ti合金K-M位错密度模型[A]. 创新塑性加工技术,推动智能制造发展——第十五届全国塑性工程学会年会暨第七届全球华人塑性加工技术交流会学术会议论文集[C].2017:398-401.

[2]Xiaoya Liu; Lianxi Hu; Yuping Li; Taiqing Deng.Research on the preparation and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline Nd-Fe-B alloy magnet.International Powder Metallurgy & Advanced Material Conference, China,Shanghai, 2012-09-21 to 2012-09-23.

[3]Lianxi Hu; Xiaoya Liu; Yuping Li.Kinetics of mechanically activated disproportionation of NdFeB alloy during reactive milling in hydrogen.The 8th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids, Turkey, 2012-06-25 to 2012-06-29.

[4]Yan Xu*; Lianxi Hu; Yu Sun.Deformation behavior and microstructure evolution of as-cast AZ61 magnesium alloy at elevated temperature.7th Pan-Yellow Sea Rim International Symposium on Magnesium Alloys and their Applications, China,Liaoning,Shenyang, 2012-10-15 to 2012-10-17.

[5]刘晓亚; 李玉平; 胡连喜; 王尔德.NdFeB粘结磁体材料研究新进展.2011全国粉末冶金学术会议暨海峡两岸粉末冶金技术研讨会, 中国,广东省,广州市, 2011-08-26

[6] 刘晓亚; 胡连喜; 刘祖岩; 王尔德.NdFeB合金脱氢-再结合过程晶粒生长的Monte Carlo模拟.2011全国粉末冶金学术会议暨海峡两岸粉末冶金技术研讨会, 中国,广东省,广州市, 2011-08-26.

[7]王珩,胡连喜,于洋,王尔德. ZK60镁合金氢气氛下球磨过程的氢化与组织演变[A]. 2009全国粉末冶金学术会议论文集[C]2009:246-249.

[8]于洋,王尔德,胡连喜. 热处理对热静液挤压93W-4.9Ni-2.1Fe合金的显微组织与力学性能影响[A]. 2009全国粉末冶金学术会议论文集[C].2009:394-400.

[9]王欣,胡连喜,王珩,王尔德. 机械球磨-热压烧结Mo-50%Cu合金的组织性能[A]. 2009全国粉末冶金学术会议论文集[C].2009:428-432.

[10]李玉平,胡连喜,吴成,王尔德. 机械力歧化-真空烧结制备纳米晶Nd-Fe-B磁体研究[A]. 2009全国粉末冶金学术会议论文集[C].2009:446-450.

[11]Wang Erde*; Hu Lianxi.Nanocrystalline and ultrafine grained materials by mechanical alloying.Power Metallurgy World Congress and Exhibition 2006, 2006-09-24 To 2006-09-28.

[12]石刚,胡连喜,王尔德. 机械球磨-HDDR制备纳米晶Nd12Fe82B6永磁合金粉末[A]. 第九届全国塑性工程学术年会、第二届全球华人先进塑性加工技术研讨会论文集(二)[C].2005:273-276.

[13]石刚,王尔德,胡连喜. 纳米晶复相Nd-Fe-B合金粉末的制备及组织结构研究[A]. 第五届中国功能材料及其应用学术会议论文集Ⅰ[C].2004:797-800.

[14]王尔德,石刚,胡连喜. 充氢球磨及脱氢处理对纳米晶复相Nd2Fe14B/α-Fe组织和性能的影响[A]. 第五届海峡两岸粉末冶金技术研讨会论文集[C].2004:130-135.

[15]王尔德,胡连喜. 机械合金化纳米晶材料研究进展[A]. 第八届全国塑性加工学术年会论文集[C].中国机械工程学会:中国机械工程学会,2002:65-70.

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