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1、Weibing Yang, Sulin Ren, Xiaoming Zhang, Mingjun Gao, Shenghai Ye, Yongbin Qi, Yiyan Zheng, Juan Wang, Longjun Zeng, Qun Li, Shanjin Huang and Zuhua He BENT UPPERMOST INTERNODE1 Encodes the Class II Formin FH5 Crucial for Actin Organization and Rice Development. Plant Cell. 2011

2、Zhu Y, Wang Y, Li R, Song X, Wang Q, Huang S, Jin J, Liu C and Lin J. Analysis of interactions among the CLAVATA3 receptors reveals a direct interaction between CLAVATA2 and CORY in Arabidopsis. Plant J. 2010,61:223-233

3、Wang J, Wang H, Zhao P, Han L, Jiao G, Zheng Y, Huang S, Xia G. Overexpression of a profilin (GhPFN2) promotes the progression of developmental phases in cotton fibers. Plant Cell Physiol.. 2010,51(8):1276-1290

4、Khurana P, Henty JL, Huang S, Staiger AM, Blanchoin L and Staiger CJ. Arabidopsis VILLIN1 and VILLIN3 have overlapping and distinct activities in actin bundle formation and turnover. Plant Cell. 2010, 22:2727-2748

5、Zhang H, Qu X, Bao C, Khurana P, Wang Q, Xie Y, Zheng Y, Chen N, Blanchoin L, Staiger C.J and Huang S*. Arabidopsis VILLIN5, an actin filament bundling and severing protein, is required for normal pollen tube growth. Plant Cell. 2010, 22: 2749-2767

6、Wu Y, Yan J, Zhang R, Qu X, Ren S, Chen N and Huang S Arabidopsis FIMBRIN5, an actin bundling factor, is required for pollen germination and pollen tube growth. Plant Cell. 2010

7、Chen N, Qu X, Wu Y and Huang S. Regulation of actin dynamics in pollen tubes: control of actin polymer level. J Integr Plant Biol. 2009,51(8):740–750

8、Ye J, Zheng Y, Yan A, Chen N, Wang Z, Huang S* and Yang Z*. Arabidopsis formin3 directs the formation of actin cables and polarized growth in pollen tubes. Plant Cell. 2009,21:3868–3884 . (*co-corresponding authors)

9、Zhang C, Mallery EL, Schlueter J, Huang S, Fan Y, Brankle S, Staiger CJ, Szymanski DB. Arabidopsis SCARs function interchangeably to meet actin-related protein 2/3 activation thresholds during morphogenesis. Plant Cell. 2008,20(4):995-1011

10、Yang G, Gao P, Zhang H, Huang S, Zheng ZL. A mutation in MRH2 kinesin enhances the root hair tip growth defect caused by constitutively activated ROP2 small GTPase in Arabidopsis. PLoS ONE. 2007,2(10):e1074. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0001074

11、Abu-Abied M, Golomb L, Belausov E, Huang S, Geiger B, Kam Z, Staiger CJ and Sadot E. Identification of plant cytoskeleton-interacting proteins by screening for actin stress fiber association in mammalian fibroblasts. Plant J. 2006,48(3):367-379

12、Thomas SG*, Huang S*, Li S, Staiger CJ, Franklin-Tong VE. Actin depolymerization is sufficient to induce programmed cell death in self-incompatible pollen. J Cell Biol. 2006,174(2):221-229 . (*joint first authors) 13、Huang S, Gao L, Blanchoin L and Staiger CJ. Heterodimeric capping protein from Arabidopsis is regulated by phosphatidic acid. Mol Biol Cell. 2006,17(4):1946-1958

14、Michelot A, Derivery E, Paterski-Boujemaa R, Guerin C, Huang S, Parcy F, Staiger CJ and Blanchoin L. A novel mechanism for the formation of actin-filament bundles by a nonprocessive formin. Curr Biol. 2006,16(19):1924-1930

15、Xu C*, Huang S* and Yuan M. Dimethyl sulfoxide is feasible for plant tubulin assembly in vitro: A comprehensive analysis. J Integr Plant Biol. 2005,47(4):457-466 . (*joint first authors)

16、Basu D, Le J, El-Essal Sel-D, Huang S, Zhang C, Mallery EL, Koliantz G, Staiger CJ and Szymanski DB. DISTORTED3/SCAR2 is aputative arabidopsis WAVE complex subunit that activates Arp2/3 complex and is required for epidermal morphogenesis. Plant Cell. 2005,17:502-524

17、Michelot A*, Guerin C*, Huang S*, Ingouff M, Richard S, Rodiuc N, Staiger CJ and Blanchoin L. The formin homology 1 domain modulates the nucleation and bundling activity of Arabidopsis FORMIN1. Plant Cell. 2005,17(8):2296-2313 . (*joint first authors)

18、Huang S, Robinson RC, Gao LY, Matsumoto T, Brunet A, Blanchoin Land Staiger CJ. Arabidopsis VILLIN1 generates actin filament cables that are resistant to depolymerization. Plant Cell. 2005,17(2):486-501

19、Huang S, Blanchoin L, Chaudhry L, Franklin-Tong VE and Staiger CJ. A gelsolin-like protein from Papaver rhoeas pollen stimulates calcium-regulated actin severing and depolymerization. J Biol Chem. 2004,279(22):23364-23375 . (cover story)

20、Huang S, Blanchoin L, Kovar DR and C.J. Staiger. Arabidopsis capping protein (AtCP) is a heterodimer that regulates assembly at the barbed ends of actin filaments. J Biol Chem. 2003,278(45):44832-44842

21、Huang S and M Yuan. Plant microtubule dynamics and its regulation. Progress in Plant Science. 2002,4:113-122

22、Huang S, Ren H and Yuan M. In vitro assembly of plant tubulin in the absence of microtubule-stabilizing reagents.. Chinese Sci Bull. 2000,45:2258–2263


1 植物微丝骨架动态变化的调节 陈琼; 黄善金; 于荣 首都师范大学生命科学学院; 中国科学院植物研究所光合作用与环境分子生理学重点实验室 植物生理学报 2011-01-20

2 根癌农杆菌介导的水稻快速转化方法研究 苏益; 黄善金; 蔺万煌; 萧浪涛 湖南农业大学植物激素重点实验室; 中国科学院植物研究所; 湖南农业大学植物激素重点实验室 长沙 【期刊】中国农学通报 2008-05-05

3 无微管稳定剂条件下植物微管蛋白的体外聚合 黄善金; 任海云; 袁明 中国农业大学生物学院植物科学系; 农业部植物生理生化重点开放实验室; 北京师范大学生命科学学院教育部细胞增殖及调控生物学重点开放实验室 【期刊】科学通报 2000-06-15




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