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Studies of interaction between silane coupling agents and aluminum hydroxide surface by XPS.     Ren, Diansheng; Wang, Jianqi.    Tianjin Inst. Electron. Mater.,  Tianjin,  Peop. Rep. China.    Huaxue Yu Nianhe  (1992),   (4),  198-202, 221.  CODEN: HYZHEN  ISSN: 1001-0017.  Journal  written in Chinese.    CAN 120:272111    AN 1994:272111    CAPLUS   (Copyright 2004 ACS on SciFinder (R)) 


The surface of Al(OH)3 fireproofing agents for plastics was modified by KH 792, Nd 42, and KH 590 silane coupling agents.  The reactivity of silane coupling agent was dependent on the type of solns. used in the surface treatment.  The surface modification effect for Al(OH)3 in acetone increased with increasing the hydrolysis ability of silanes.  The surface modification effect for Al(OH)3 in aq. acidic soln. decreased with increasing polarity of silanes.  A mechanism of interaction between KH 792 and the surface of Al(OH)3 was proposed.

Bibliographic Information

The effect of heat on wool and wool treated with Zirpro by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.     Wang, Jianqi; Feng, Diaming; Tu, Hongbin.    Coll. Chem. Eng. Mater. Sci.,  Beijing Inst. Technol.,  Beijing,  Peop. Rep. China.    Polymer Degradation and Stability  (1994),  43(1),  93-9.  CODEN: PDSTDW  ISSN: 0141-3910.  Journal  written in English.    CAN 120:166676    AN 1994:166676    CAPLUS   (Copyright 2004 ACS on SciFinder (R)) 


Thermogravimetric anal. and differential scanning calorimetry in combination with XPS, were applied to the study of degrdn. of wool and its flame retardation after treatment with Zirpro.  ZrOF2 is of importance in flame retardation and smoke suppression, the latter depending mainly on the contribution of covalent linkages in Zirpro flame retardant. 

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An XPS investigation of polymer surface dynamics. I. A study of surfaces modified by CF4 and CF4/CH4 plasmas.     Wang, Jianqi; Feng, Daming; Wang, Huanzhong; Rembold, Manfred; Fritz, Thommen.    Coll. Chem. Eng. Mater. Sci.,  Beijing Inst. Technol.,  Beijing,  Peop. Rep. China.    Journal of Applied Polymer Science  (1993),  50(4),  585-99.  CODEN: JAPNAB  ISSN: 0021-8995.  Journal  written in English.    CAN 119:272486    AN 1993:672486    CAPLUS   (Copyright 2004 ACS on SciFinder (R))   


Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (I) films were subjected to treatment by CF4 and CF4/CH4 plasmas to obtain hydrophobic surfaces; I fabrics were subjected to impregnation (padding) with Oleophobol S for comparison.  The electronic structure of the modified surface was differentiated by ESCA.  The surface dynamics upon heating and dipping into water were investigated by the angle-dependent XPS technique.  Surface structures were studied in detail.

Bibliographic Information

Kinetic study of carbon monoxide substitution of Ir4(CO)11L (L = CO, PPh3) in the presence of trimethylamine oxide (Me3NO).     Wang, Jianqi; Gao, Yici; Shi, Qizhen.    Dep. Chem.,  Lanzhou Univ.,  Lanzhou,  Peop. Rep. China.    Fenzi Cuihua  (1992),  6(6),  448-53.  CODEN: FECUEN  ISSN: 1001-3555.  Journal  written in Chinese.    CAN 118:220574    AN 1993:220574    CAPLUS   (Copyright 2004 ACS on SciFinder (R)) 


The kinetics of substitution of Ir4(CO)12 with PPh3 or PPh3O in presence of Me3NO to give Ir4(CO)11L (L = PPh3, PPh3O) and Ir4(CO)11PPh3 with PPh3 in presence of Me3NO to give Ir4(CO)10(PPh3)2 were studied.  Temp. dependence of the reactions was detd.  The reactions are second order: first order in metal complex and in Me3NO.  Comparison is made to the same reactions with Os3(CO)11L and kinetic differences are discussed in terms of the importance of bridging CO.

Bibliographic Information

Sliding and impact wear of gold-plated electrical contacts.     Chen, Zhuanke; Huang, Yuntian; Wang, Jianqi.    Xian Jiaotong Univ.,  Xian,  Peop. Rep. China.    Xian Jiaotong Daxue Xuebao  (1992),  26(2),  63-72.  CODEN: HCTPDW  ISSN: 0253-987X.  Journal  written in Chinese.    CAN 118:129951    AN 1993:129951    CAPLUS   (Copyright 2004 ACS on SciFinder (R))   


Sliding and impact wear of Au-plated elec. contacts for relaying switches were studied.  Impact wear occurs in normally closed contacts mainly, and sliding and impact wear occurs in normally opened contacts.  Sliding wear leads to delamination of the plated layer in the contact zones, and the parent metal is exposed for thermochem. reactions such as oxidn. or sulfidation.  Consequently, the contact resistance is changed, and premature failure occurs.  The Hertz contact theory was used to analyze the stress distribution, and N. P. Suhs delamination theory (1973) was adopted to describe the wear phenomena.  Recommendations are given for elimination of the premature failure.

Bibliographic Information

XPS investigation of intramolecular charge transfer in polynitro compounds - on the electronic structures of nitro derivatives of benzofuroxans.     Wang, Jianqi; Liao, Zhiyuan; Wu, Wenhui; Fend, Daming.    Dep. Chem., Eng.,  Beijing Inst. Technol.,  Beijing,  Peop. Rep. China.    Science in China, Series B:  Chemistry, Life Sciences, & Earth Sciences  (1991),  34(2),  141-51.  CODEN: SCBSE5  ISSN: 1001-652X.  Journal  written in English.    CAN 117:250885    AN 1992:650885    CAPLUS   (Copyright 2004 ACS on SciFinder (R))   


The x-ray photoelectron spectra of 10 benzofuroxans (e.g. I) were measured.  Binding energies for the benzofuroxans were in good agreement with CNDO/2 calcns.  Correlation diagrams for N1s and O1s binding energies were shown.  Intramol. charge-transfer interactions were discussed. 

Bibliographic Information

 Application of computer in XPS analysis of the surface layer structure.     Wei, Xianzhong; Wang, Jianqi.    Shijiazhuang 1st Rubber Fact.,  Shijiazhuang,  Peop. Rep. China.    Jisuanji Yu Yingyong Huaxue  (1991),  8(1),  72-4.  CODEN: JYYHE6  ISSN: 1001-4160.  Journal  written in Chinese.    CAN 116:50425    AN 1992:50425    CAPLUS   (Copyright 2004 ACS on SciFinder (R)) 


 A BASIC computer program was developed and an anal. method was tested using electron take-off angle data in XPS of surface layers of naturally oxidized silicon.  The light source and vacuum of the XPS used were MgKa, 250 W and ´10-8 torr, resp.  The electron binding energy of Si4+ is 103.4 eV and the binding energy of the 1s electron of single cryst.  Si is 99 eV.  The surface of a naturally oxidized Si wafer is compared of a total oxide layer (Si4+ 100.0, Si0 0.0%), semioxide layer (Si4+ 10.7, Si0 89.3%) and non-oxide layer (Si4+ 0.0, Si0 100.0%).  The method was fast and accurate.

Bibliographic Information

Kinetics and mechanisms of carbon monoxide substitution of M4(CO)11L (M = Co, Ir; L = PPh3, PBu3, P(OMe)3, P(OEt)3) with L in the presence of Me3NO.     Wang, Jianqi; Shen, Jiankun; Gao, Yici; Shi, Qizhen; Basolo, Fred.    Dep. Chem.,  Lanzhou Univ.,  Lanzhou,  Peop. Rep. China.    Journal of Organometallic Chemistry  (1991),  417(1-2),  131-7.  CODEN: JORCAI  ISSN: 0022-328X.  Journal  written in English.    CAN 115:288226    AN 1991:688226    CAPLUS   (Copyright 2004 ACS on SciFinder (R)) 


The rate law for CO substitution by L of the title complexes is the same as that found earlier on such reactions, being 1st-order in the concns. of metal carbonyl and of Me3NO but zero-order in ligand concns.  The Ir compds. react from 2-7 times faster than do the corresponding Co compds. and for each of the rates of reaction with changes in ligand decrease in the order P(OMe)3 > P(OEt)3 > PBu3.  The results are compared with earlier studies on the M3(CO)12 and M3(CO)11L (M = Fe, Ru, Os) clusters.  The reactivities decrease in the order Fe > Ru > Os.  That this order differs from that now reported (Co < Ir) for the M4(CO)11L clusters is discussed in terms of the presumed important contribution of CO bridging to the rates of associative reactions in metal CO clusters. 

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