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     洪炎国,男,福建师范大学教授,博士生导师。是《中国疼痛医学杂志》编委,国际刊物Neuroscience、European Journal of Pain审稿人。



1982年获湖北医学院 (现为武汉大学) 医学硕士学位。


1991年—2003年任职于AstraZeneca 跨国药物公司蒙特利尔药物开发研究所。

2003年回国至今, 在福建师范大学生命科学学院工作。





从事于神经科学方面的研究二十余年, 其领域先后主要有心血管活动的中枢神经调节、 Alzheimer’s 疾病





先后主持三项国家自然科学基金项目和四项省级(包括一个重点项目)科研项目。至今已在国外发表论文8篇,均被SCI收录; 在国内核心刊物发表论文3篇。 国家863科研专项评审专家。申报国家发明专利一项;


1 酮色林在治疗炎性疼痛的新型镇痛药中的应用 洪炎国 福建师范大学 2005-10-26




1. Peiwen Chen, Dongmei Wang, Meili Li, Yanding Zhang, Rémi Quirion and Yanguo Hong*, 2010, Modulation of SNSR on the development of morphine tolerance and its neurochemical mechanisms, Journal of Neuroscience Research (印刷中)

2. Dongmei Wang, Yun Gao, Haiming Ji and Yanguo Hong *, 2010, Topical and systemic administrations of ketanserin attenuate hypersensitivity and expression of CGRP in rats with spinal nerve ligation, European Journal of Pharmacology 627:124-130.1.

3. Yanguo Hong , Yushan Liu, Alain Fournier and Rémi Quirion, 2009, Upregulation of adrenomedullin in the spinal cord and dorsal root ganglia in the early phase of CFA-induced inflammation in rats, Pain 146:105-113.

4. Jian Huang, Qiaoyan Cai, Xuejiao Chen and Yanguo Hong *, 2009, Blockade of peripheral 5-HT2A receptors in carrageenan-induced inflammation produces opioid-mediated hypoalgesia in rats, Brain Research 1303:39-47.

5. Yanguo Hong , Jean-Guy Chabot, Weiya Ma, Peiwen Chen and Rémi Quirion, Adrenomedullin — One of upstream molecules in chronic morphine-induced cascades. Book Chapter in The 5th International Peptide Conference Proceeding, March, 2009, Gobhargen, Denmark.

6. Peiwen Chen, Yushan Liu and and Yanguo Hong *, 2008, Effect of chronic administration of morphine on the expression of BAM22-like immunoreactivity in the spinal cord of rats, European Journal of Pharmacology 589:110-113.

7. Tingjun Chen, Zhijing Hu, Rémi Quirion and Yanguo Hong*, 2008, Modulation of NMDA receptors by intrathecal sensory neuron-specific receptor agonist BAM8-22, Neuropharmacology 54:796-803.

8. Meifang Cai, Tingjun Chen, Rémi Quirion and Yanguo Hong *, 2007, expression of BAM22 peptide in the spinal dorsal horn and dorsal root ganglion in naive and CFA-treated rats, European Journal of Neuroscience, 26:1128-1138.

9. Qiaoyan Cai, Jianping Jiang, Tingjun Chen and Yanguo Hong *, 2007, Effects of sensory neuron-specific receptor agonist BAM8-22 to inhibit the development and expression of tolerance to morphine in rats, Behavioural Brain Research, 178:154-159.

10. Yanguo Hong *, Haiming Ji and Hua Wei, 2006, Topical ketanserin attenuates hyperalgesia and inflammation in arthritis in rats, Pain, 124:27-33.

11. Tingjun Chen, Qiaoyan Cai, Xueai Zeng and Yanguo Hong *, 2006, Intrathecal sensory neuron-specific receptor agonists BAM8-22 and (Tyr6)- g2-MSH-6-12 inhibit formalin-evoked nociception and neuronal Fos-like immunoreactivity in the spinal cord of the rat, Neuroscience, 141:965-975.

12. Xuejiao Chen, Feihong Bing Peifang Dai and Yanguo Hong *, 2006, Involvement of peripheral protein kinase C in 5-HT-induced hyperalgesia and spinal fos protein expression in the rat, Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 84:8-16.

13. Jianping Jiang, Jian Huang and Yanguo Hong *, 2006, Bovine adrenal medulla 22 reverses antinociceptive morphine tolerance in the rat, Behavioural Brain Research, 168: 167-171.

14. Wei, H., Chen, Y. and Yanguo Hong *, 2005, The contribution of peripheral 5-HT2A receptor to carrageenan-evoked hyperalgesia, inflammation and spinal Fos protein expression in the rat, Neuroscience 132 (4) 1073-1082.

15. Xueai Zeng, Hao Huang and Yanguo Hong *, 2004, Effects of intrathecal BAM22 on noxious stimulus-evoked c-fos expression in the rat spinal dorsal horn, Brain Research, 1028 (2) 170-179.

16. Yanguo Hong *, Peifang Dai, Jianping Jiang and Xueai Zeng, 2004, Dual effects of intrathecal BAM22 on nociceptive responses in acute and persistent pain – Potential function of a novel receptor, British Journal of Pharmacology, 141 (3) 423–430.

17. Yan Zhang, Yanguo Hong, Younes Bounhar, Megan Blacker, Xavier Roucou, Omar Tounekti, Emily Vereker, William J. Bowers,1 Howard J. Federoff, Cynthia G. Goodyer, and Andre´a LeBlanc, 2003, p75 Neurotrophin receptor protects primary cultures of human neurons against extracellular amyloid b peptide cytotoxicity, Journal of Neuroscience, 23 (19) 7385–7394.

18. 牛肾上腺髓质8-22肽增强吗啡的抗伤害作用 江剑平; 付艳; 张文华; 洪炎国 福建师范大学学报(自然科学版) 2009-03-20

19. 神经肽Y及其受体Y_1、Y_2对痛觉调制的研究进展 高云; 洪炎国 生命科学 2009-08-15

20. BAM22及其功能的研究进展 蔡梅芳; 洪炎国 中国临床药理学与治疗学 2006-02-26

21. 椎管内注射牛肾上腺髓质22肽差异性翻转吗啡耐受作用 江剑平; 陈雅娟; 洪炎国 生理学报 2006-12-25

22. 牛肾上腺髓质22肽在吗啡耐受大鼠中对伤害性刺激引起的脊髓背角c-Fos表达的影响 江剑平; 洪炎国 中国疼痛医学杂志 2007-06-15

23. 一氧化氮在炎性疼痛中的作用 李其; 洪炎国 生命科学 2007-08-15

24. 蛋白激酶C与疼痛 胡志京; 洪炎国 神经解剖学杂志 2007-07-31

25. 5-羟色胺2A受体与疼痛 冀海明; 洪炎国 国际病理科学与临床杂志 2007-10-28

26. 阻断炎症局部5-HT_(2A)受体对大鼠脊髓背角一氧化氮合酶表达的影响 黄浩; 蔡巧燕; 林玮; 洪炎国 中国疼痛医学杂志 2008-04-15

27. 谷氨酸转运体与疼痛 王冬梅; 洪炎国 生命科学 2008-06-15

28. 两种免疫组化染色试剂盒在福尔马林诱导的大鼠脊髓背角c-Fos的表达中的比较 曾雪爱; 林跃鑫; 洪炎国 福建师范大学学报(自然科学版) 2005-06-20

29. 电刺激家兔大脑皮层感觉区对丘脑束旁核痛敏单位放电活动的影响 洪炎国; 戴天力; 张奇仕; 陆左之 生理学报 1983-05-01



2、获第八届福建省自然科学优秀学术论文 二等奖。


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