1.Lei Zhang,Pei-Ling Song,Ping-Ping Sun,Wen-Jun Zhao,Zi-Qin Li* & Zheng-Nan Li. Molecular detection and identification of Brassica juncea phyllody and witches’-broom associated phytoplasmas of group 16SrVI-A in Inner Mongolia, China. Eur J Plant Pathol (2020) 156:291–298 (通讯作者)
2. Yongqing Yang, Angela P. Van de Wouw, Stephen J. Marcoft, Leanne M. Forsyth, Ji Zhao, Ziqin Li*and Alexander Idnurm*. Sterol demethylation inhibitor fungicide resistance in Leptosphaeria maculans is associated with modifications in the regulatory region of ERG11. Plant Disease 2020,104(5) : 1280-1290.(一区IF 3.58) (通讯作者)
3.Efficient detection of Leptosphaeria maculans from infected canola seed lots. Journal of Phytopathology 2016 (164) 1097-1104 (通讯作者)
4.Eukaryotic expression of Brassica napus pgip gene and inhibitory effect on Leptosphaeria biglobosa PG. International Journal of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology Research 2016(4)102-108(通讯作者)
5. Genetic diversity and differentiation of L. biglobosa on oilseed rape in China. Phytoparasitica 2015. 43:253-263(通讯作者)
6. Genotyping by sequencing(GBS), an ultimate marker-assisted Selection (MAS) tool to accelerate plant breeding. Frontiers in Plant Science doi: 10.3389/fpls.2014.00484(通讯作者)
7.Genetic Diversity and Structure of the Fusarium oxysporum Populations on Linseed (Linum usitatissimum) in China. Phytoparasitica2013. 41: 391-401(通讯作者)
8. Leptosphaeria spp., phoma stem canker and potential spread of L. maculans on oilseed rape crops in China.
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10. Fitness cost of virulence differs between the AvrLm1 and AvrLm4 loci in L. maculans (phoma stem canker of oilseed rape). European Journal of Plant Pathology 2010.126:279-291 (第三作者)
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13. Strategies to prevent spread of Leptosphaeria maculans (phoma stem canker) onto oilseed rape crops in China; costs and benefits. Plant Pathology 2008.57: 652–664. (第三作者)
14. Temperature and leaf wetness duration affect phenotypic expression of Rlm6- mediated resistance to L. maculans in Brassica napus. New Phytologist 2006.170:129-141 (第四作者)
15. Fitness cost associated with loss of the AvrLm4 avirulence function in Leptosphaeria maculans (phoma stem canker of oilseed rape). European Journal of Plant Pathology2006.114:77-89 (第五)
16.Patterns of Ascospore Release in Relation to Phoma Stem Canker (L. maculans) and Poland (L. biglobosa)
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1.HAO Lifen,YAN Mengjiao, FANG Yongyu, SHI Zhidan, LI Ziqin, HAN Bing. Gene Expression Analysis of Brassica napus in Response to Leptosphaeria biglobosa Infection Progress. 《西北植物学报》2021,41(2):0197-0211(英文)
2.郝丽芬,燕孟娇,皇甫海燕,宋培玲,贾晓清,房永雨,李子钦*. 甘蓝型油菜BnNAC61基因的克隆及表达特征分析. 《中国油料作物学报》网络首发时间:2021-03-31 (通讯作者)
3.宋培玲,皇甫海燕,郭晨,李子钦.农杆菌介导油菜黑胫病菌遗传转化. 中国油料作物学报, 2021,43(02):293-299 (通讯作者)
4.杨永青,宋培玲,燕梦娇,李子钦. 油菜核盘菌对戊唑醇的敏感性及室内抗药性诱导. 中国油料作物学报 2021,43(02):300-306 (通讯作者)
5.史志丹,宋培玲,郝丽芬,皇甫海燕,燕孟娇,杨永青,吴晶,赵丽丽,李子钦. 黑胫病菌(Leptosphaeria biglobosa)在油菜中的侵染过程研究. 中国油料作物学报 2021,43(02):286-292 (通讯作者)
6.皇甫海燕,燕孟娇,宋培玲,郝丽芬,李子钦.油菜黑胫病菌(Leptosphaeria biglobosa)T-DNA插入致病缺陷突变体的筛选及其侧翼序列分析。 《华北农学报》2021,36(01):197-202(通讯作者)
7.史志丹,宋培玲,郝丽芬,皇甫海燕,燕孟娇,杨永青,吴晶,赵丽丽,李子钦. 油菜黑胫病菌(Leptosphaeria biglobosa)T-DNA 插入突变体表型特征分析 北方农业学报 2020,48 (1):75~80(通讯作者)
8.燕孟娇,宋培玲,皇甫海燕,郝丽芬,郭晨,皇甫九茹,贾晓清,吴晶,史志丹,李子钦. 芥菜型油菜硫代葡萄糖苷基因的研究进展 北方农学报2019.47(1)33-41(通讯作者)
9.杨永青,宋培玲,郝丽芬,陈文贺,Alexander Idnurm,栗艳芳,赵吉,李子钦,张宝辉. 油菜黑胫病及其防控措施概述 北方农学报2019.47(4)73-80(通讯作者)
10.史志丹,宋培玲,郝丽芬,皇甫海燕,燕孟娇,杨永青,郭晨,贾晓清,皇甫九茹,李子钦,张宝辉,陈斐斐. 绿色荧光蛋白在植物与病原菌互作研究中的应用 北方农业学报2019.47(6)68-72(通讯作者)
11.燕孟娇,石嵘,郝丽芬,皇甫海燕,宋培玲,贾晓清,皇甫九茹,李子钦. 油菜黑胫病抗性相关基因BnWRKY70的功能研究 中国油料作物学报2018.40(1)127-133(通讯作者)
12.皇甫海燕,宋培玲,魏晓军,郝丽芬,贾晓清,皇甫九茹,吴晶,史志丹,张志清,李子钦. 春油菜杂交种NM88的选育及配套栽培技术 中国种业2018(2)76-79 (通讯作者)
13.宋培玲,吴晶,史志丹,郝丽芬,皇甫海燕,燕孟娇,皇甫九茹,贾晓清,李子钦. 油菜黑胫病病原、病害循环及其传播危害简介 北方农学报2018.46(2)88-93(通讯作者)
14.宋培玲,燕孟娇,张键,皇甫海燕,郝丽芬,皇甫九茹,贾晓清,史志丹,吴晶,李子钦.不同杀菌剂对油菜黑胫病菌分生孢子萌发及菌丝生长的抑制作用. 北方农学报2018.46(3)70-75(通讯)
15.杨永青,许继飞,董泰音,狄彩霞,刘菊梅,连海飞,臧博宁,李子钦,赵吉.水体和土壤环境中抗生素抗性基因(ARGs)的污染现状与消除. 北方农学报2018.46(3)76-82(通讯)
16.郝丽芬,房永雨,燕孟娇,皇甫海燕,宋培玲,贾晓清,皇甫九茹,李子钦,韩冰.CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑技术及在农作物品种改良研究中的应用 北方农学报2017.45(3)29-35(通讯)
17.宋培玲,张键,郝丽芬,皇甫海燕,袁喜丽,包玉英,李子钦..不同抗性油菜品种接种黑胫病菌防御酶活性变化研究 华北农学报2015.30(2):159-164(通讯作者)
18.皇甫海燕,燕孟娇,宋培玲,郝丽芬,皇甫九茹,贾晓清,李子钦.黑胫病病原菌诱导油菜pgip基因去信号肽片段在毕赤酵母表达中的分泌表达. 华北农学报2015,30(2):149-156 (通讯作者)
19.宋培玲,Malgorzata Jedryczka,郝丽芬,皇甫海燕,李子钦,包玉英.中国油菜对黑胫病的抗性评价及抗病基因推导研究 华北农学报2015,30(4): 59-65(通讯作者)
20.郝丽芬,宋培玲,李子钦,皇甫海燕,李强生.ISSR分析油菜黑胫病原菌遗传多样性 中国油料作物学报2014.36(1):98-105(通讯作者)
21.郝丽芬,宋培玲,李子钦,李欣洲,张键,包玉英.油菜黑胫病菌Leptosphaeria biglobosa ISSR-PCR反应体系优化. 华北农学报2013.28(4): 204-207(通讯作者)
22.宋培玲,李子钦.不同油菜品种种子带菌检测 中国油料作物学报2011.33(2) 193-196(通讯作者)