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Author Name task started on Mon Jan 5, 2004 at 8:52 AM

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Wang, Jianqi 

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WANG JIANQI (76 references)


CAPLUS: Copyright 2003 ACS (The UK patent material in this product/service is UK Crown copyright and is made available with permission. (C) Crown Copyright.  The French (FR) patent material in this product/service is made available from Institut National de la Propriete Industrielle (INPI).) 

REGISTRY: Copyright 2003 ACS (Some records contain information from GenBank(R). See also: Benson D.A., Karsch-Mizrachi I., Lipman D.J., Ostell J., Rapp B.A., Wheeler D.L. Genbank. Nucl. Acids Res. 28(1):15-18 (2000). Property values tagged with IC are from the ZIC/VINITI data file provided by InfoChem.)

CASREACT: Copyright 2003 ACS (Some records from 1974 to 1991 are derived from the ZIC/VINITI data file provided by InfoChem. Some records are produced using some INPI data from the period prior to 1986.)


Bibliographic Information

An investigation on synergism of an intumescent flame retardant based on silica and alumina.     Wei, Ping; Hao, Jianwei; Du, Jianxin; Han, Zhidong; Wang, Jianqi.    School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,  Shanghai Jiaotong University,  Min Hang, Shanghai,  Peop. Rep. China.    Journal of Fire Sciences  (2003),  21(1),  17-28.  CODEN: JFSCDV  ISSN: 0734-9041.  Journal  written in English.    AN 2003:479696    CAPLUS   (Copyright 2004 ACS on SciFinder (R)) 


Silicon-based materials appear potentially to be attractive flame-retardants because of the protective coatings formed in fire, which decreases the rate of heat release.  But few reports were presented about inorg. materials, such as SiO2, Al2O3, used as additive flame-retardants.  In this paper the degrdn. process of the intumescent system, polypropylene (PP)/Ammonium Polyphosphate (APP)-Pentaerythritol (PER), with and without SiO2, Al2O3 or blend of SiO2 and Al2O3 was investigated by means of cone calorimetry, TGA, LOIs measured at ambient and elevated temp. (represented by aT and TI, resp.).  For PP/APP-PER system with the blend of SiO2 and Al2O3 a maximal synergy was obsd. at the highest LOI of 35.5%, 17 units higher than the virgin PP.  Its excellent flame-retardance was also evidenced by the highest residue char measured from TGA and parameters (MRL, PK-HRR, etc.) from Cone calorimetry.

Bibliographic Information

Elemental speciation by capillary electrophoresis-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.     Wang, Jianqi.    Univ. of Alberta,  Edmonton,  AB,  Can.  Avail. UMI, Order No. DANQ69013.    (2001),     207 pp.  From: Diss. Abstr. Int., B 2002, 63(6), 2821.  Dissertation  written in English.    CAN 138:280408    AN 2003:214524    CAPLUS   (Copyright 2004 ACS on SciFinder (R)) 

Bibliographic Information

An XPS investigation of thermal degradation and charring on poly(vinyl chloride)-clay nanocomposites.     Du, Jianxin; Wang, Dongyan; Wilkie, Charles A.; Wang, Jianqi.    School of Chemical Engineering & Materials Science,  Beijing Institute of Technology,  Beijing,  Peop. Rep. China.    Polymer Degradation and Stability  (2002),  Volume Date 2003,  79(2),  319-324.  CODEN: PDSTDW  ISSN: 0141-3910.  Journal  written in English.    CAN 138:238774    AN 2002:943707    CAPLUS   (Copyright 2004 ACS on SciFinder (R))   


More information concerning the thermal degrdn. and charring of nanocomposites of poly(vinyl chloride), dioctyl phthalate, and clay was obtained by the use of XPS and the acquisition of the carbon (C1s), chlorine (Cl2p), and oxygen (O1s) spectra.  In the cases of polystyrene-clay and poly(Me methacrylate)-clay nanocomposites, it was shown that the clay migrates to the surface as the temp. is raised and the polymer degrades, thereby confirming the barrier properties as a mechanism by which these materials function.  For PVC-clay nanocomposites the surface at high temps. is dominated by carbon, and not the oxygen of the clay.  The presence of the clay does retard the chain-stripping degrdn. of the PVC and the enhanced char formation accounts for the observation of enrichment of carbon.

Bibliographic Information

An XPS investigation of thermal degradation and charring on PMMA clay nanocomposites.     Du, Jianxin; Zhu, Jin; Wilkie, Charles A.; Wang, Jianqi.    School of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Beijing Institute of Technology,  Beijing,  Peop. Rep. China.    Polymer Degradation and Stability  (2002),  77(3),  377-381.  CODEN: PDSTDW  ISSN: 0141-3910.  Journal  written in English.    CAN 137:325957    AN 2002:691260    CAPLUS   (Copyright 2004 ACS on SciFinder (R)) 


Poly(Me methacrylate)-alkylammonium-modified clay nanocomposites were studied using XPS.  It is clear that as the polymer undergoes thermal degrdn., the clay accumulates at the surface and the barrier properties which result from this clay accumulation have been described as the reason for the decreased heat release rate for nanocomposites.  The surface compn. of the clay changes as the nanocomposite is heated and the changes are affected by the org.-modification that were applied to the clay in order to prep. the nanocomposite.

Bibliographic Information

An XPS study of the thermal degradation and flame retardant mechanism of polystyrene-clay nanocomposites.     Wang, Jianqi; Du, Jianxin; Zhu, Jin; Wilkie, Charles A.    Department of Chemical Engineering,  Beijing Institute of Technology,  Beijing,  Peop. Rep. China.    Polymer Degradation and Stability  (2002),  77(2),  249-252.  CODEN: PDSTDW  ISSN: 0141-3910.  Journal  written in English.    CAN 137:325954    AN 2002:532416    CAPLUS   (Copyright 2004 ACS on SciFinder (R)) 

AbstractXPS was used to examine several polystyrene-clay nanocomposites.  The accumulation of oxygen, from the aluminosilicate, on the surface of the polymer was obsd., along with the loss of carbon.  This confirms that the barrier properties of the clay provide a mechanism by which nanocomposite formation can enhance the fire retardancy of the polymers.  No difference is detected depending upon the extent of exfoliation or intercalation of the nanocomposite.

Bibliographic Information

The effect of aluminosilicates on the intumescent ammonium polyphosphate-pentaerythritol flame retardant systems: an X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy study.     Wang, Jianqi; Wei, Ping; Hao, Jianwei.    National Laboratory of Flame Retardant Materials, School of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science,  Beijing Institute of Technology,  Beijing,  Peop. Rep. China.    ACS Symposium Series  (2001),  797(Fire and Polymers),  150-160.  CODEN: ACSMC8  ISSN: 0097-6156.  Journal  written in English.    CAN 136:295527    AN 2002:132115    CAPLUS   (Copyright 2004 ACS on SciFinder (R)) 


The influence of zeolite and clay (montmorillonite) on thermal degrdn. of the classical ammonium polyphosphate/pentaerythritol (APP/PER) system was explored by XPS (XPS), a surface sensitive technique.  These aluminosilicates do modify the degrdn. reaction which occurs between APP and PER.  Information on the ratios of O/C, P/N and Si/Al are calcd. and it was found that some of these change with temp.  This data in then used to understand the degrdn. process.

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