
[80]Xiaoming Li , Lijun Chen, Ru Ma, Haibao Wang*, Li Wan, Junjie Bu, Wei Hong, Wanwan Lv, Yihong Yang, Hengyi Rao, Xiaochu Zhang*. (2019). The neural mechanisms of immediate and follow-up of the treatment effect of hypnosis on smoking craving. Brain Imaging and Behavior in press.
[79]Rujing Zha, Junjie Bu, Zhengde Wei, Long Han, Pengyu Zhang, Jiecheng Ren, Ying Wang, Lizhuang Yang, Sabine Vollstadt-Klein, Xiaochu Zhang*. Transforming brain signals related to value evaluation and self-control into behavioral choices. Human Brain Mapping (影响因子(2017)=4.921). 2019, 40: 1049-1061.
[78]Axu Hu , Feng Gu*, Lena L. N. Wong, Xiuli Tong, and Xiaochu Zhang*. Visual mismatch negativity elicited by semantic violations in visual words. Brain Research.. 2020, 1746:147010.
[77]Chuan Fan , Yan Cheng, Huixing Gou, Chang Liu, Shengliang Deng, Chialun Liu, Xianwen Chen, Junjie Bu*, Xiaochu Zhang*. Neuroimaging and intervening in memory reconsolidation of human drug addiction. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences. 2020, 63(7): 170103.
[76]Yan Cheng#, Junjie Bu#* , Nan Li, Jian Li, Huixing Gou, Shinan Sun, Chang Liu, Zida Jin, Changle He, Chuan Fan, Chialun Liu, Xiaochu Zhang*. Dysfunctional resting-state EEG microstate correlated with the severity of cigarette exposure in nicotine addiction. SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences. 2020, 63(7): 170107.
[75]Marom Bikson , …, Xiaochu Zhang, Hamed Ekhtiari*. Guidelines for TMS/tES clinical services and research through the COVID-19 pandemic. Brain Stimulation .2020,13: 1124-1149.
[74]Alicia Strosche , Xiaochu Zhang, Martina Kirsch, Derik Hermann, Gabriele Ende, Falk Kiefer, Sabine Vollstadt-Klein.. Investigation of Brain Functional Connectivity to Assess Cognitive Control Over Cue-Processing in Alcohol Use Disorder. Addiction Biology 2020,e12863.
[73]Ji-An Li, Daoyi Dong, Zhengde Wei, Ying Liu, Yu Pan, Franco Nori, Xiaochu Zhang*. Quantum Reinforcement Learning during Human Decision Making. Nature Human Behaviour (影响因子(2018)=10.480). 2020, 4:294-307.
[72]Chunshui Yu , ..., Xiaochu Zhang, .... (2020). CHIMGEN: A Chinese Imaging Genetics Cohort to Enhance Cross-Ethnic and Cross-Geographic Brain Research. Molecular Psychiatry. 2020,25: 517-529.
[71]Li-Zhuang Yang, Wei Zhang, Wenjuan Wang, Zhiyu Yang, Hongzhi Wang, Zhi-De Deng, Chuanfu Li, Bensheng Qiu, Da-Ren Zhang, Roi Cohen Kadosh, Hai Li*, Xiaochu Zhang*. Neural and Psychological predictors of cognitive enhancement and impairment from neurostimulation. Advanced Science (影响因子(2017)=15.804, cover story) .2020, 7: 1902863.
[70]Feng Gu , Lena Wong, Axu Hu, Xiaochu Zhang, Xiuli Tong*. (2019). A lateral inhibition mechanism explains the dissociation between mismatch negativity and behavioral pitch discrimination. Brain Research. 2019,1720: 146308.
[69]Hamed Ekhtiari , …, Xiaochu Zhang,…. . Transcranial electrical and magnetic stimulation (tES and TMS) for addiction medicine: A consensus paper on the present state of the science and the road ahead. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews ,2019,104: 118-140.
[68]Shen Liu#, Qun Tan# , Shangfeng Han, Wanyue Li, Xiujuan Wang, Yetong Gan, Qiang Xu*, Xiaochu Zhang*, . (2019). The language context in facial expressions processing and its mandatory characteristic. Scientific Reports 11045.
[67]Wenjie Zhou#, Yan Jin#, Qian Meng#, Xia Zhu# , Xiaochu Zhang. A neural circuit for comorbid depressive symptoms in chronic pain. Nature Neuroscience.2019, 22: 1649-1658.
[66]Yongjun Zhang* , Hongwen Song, Ying Chen, Lin Zuo, Xinzhao Xia, Xiaochu Zhang*. Thinking on transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in reading interventions: recommendations for future research directions. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience .2019,13: 157.
[65] Junjie Bu, Kymberly Young, Wei Hong, Ru Ma, Hongwen Song, Ying Wang, Wei Zhang, Michelle Hampson, Talma Hendler, Xiaochu Zhang*. Effect of de-activation of activity patterns related to smoking cue reactivity on nicotine addiction. Brain (影响因子(2018)=11.814) 2019, 142: 1827-1841.
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[64] Xiaoming Li#, Lijun Chen#, Ru Ma, Haibao Wang*, Li Wan, Ying Wang, Junjie Bu, Wei Hong, Wanwan Lv, Sabine Vollstadt-Klein, Yihong Yang, Xiaochu Zhang*. The top-down regulation from the prefrontal cortex to insula via hypnotic aversion suggestions reduces smoking craving. Human Brain Mapping (影响因子(2017)=4.921) 2019, 40 1718-1728
[63]Shen Liu , Ru Ma, Xiaoming Liu, Chong Zhang, Yijun Chen, Chenggong Jin, Hangwei Wang, Jiangtian Cui, Xiaochu Zhang*. (2019). Using transcranial alternating current stimuluation (tACS) to improve romantic relationships can be a promising approach. Frontiers in Psychology. 2019,10:365.
[62]Shen Liu , Zhongchen Mou, Wenlan Xie, Chong Zhang, Yijun Chen, Wen Guo, Xiaochu Zhang*, Lin Zhang*. (2019). The effect of the irreverisible inequality on pro-social behaviors of people with disabilities. Frontiers in Psychology. 12019,10: 12.
[61]Rujing Zha , Junjie Bu, Zhengde Wei, Long Han, Pengyu Zhang, Jiecheng Ren, Ying Wang, Lizhuang Yang, Sabine Vollstadt-Klein, Xiaochu Zhang*. Transforming brain signals related to value evaluation and self-control into behavioral choices. Human Brain Mapping ,2019,40: 1049-1061.
[60]Hongwen Song , Yongjun Zhang, Lin Zuo, Xueli Chen, Gui Cao, Federico d’Oleire Uquillas, Xiaochu Zhang*. Improving relationships by elevating positive illusion and the underlying psychological and neural mechanisms. rontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2019,12: 526.
[59]Difei Liu#, Shen Liu*# , Xiaoming Liu, Chong Zhang, Aosika Li, Chenggong Jin, Yijun Chen, Hangwei Wang, Xiaochu Zhang*. Interactive brain activity: review and progress on EEG-Based hyperscanning in social interactions. Frontiers in Psychology. 2018,9: 1862.
[58]Shen Liu , Wenlan Xie, Shangfeng Han, Zhongchen Mou, Xiaochu Zhang*, Lin Zhang*. Social interaction patterns of the disabled people in asymmetric social dilemmas. Frontiers in Psychology. 2018,9: 1683.
[57]Xiaoming Liu , Shen Liu, Ruiqi Huang, Xueli Chen, Yunlun Xie, Ru Ma, Yuzhi Luo, Junjie Bu, and Xiaochu Zhang*. Neuroimaging studies reveal the subtle difference among social network size measurements and shed light on new directions. Frontiers in Neurosciece. 2018,12: 461.
[56]Ping Yang#, Rui Tao# , Chengsen He, Ying Wang*, and Xiaochu Zhang*. The risk factors of the alcohol use disorders-through review of its comorbidities. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 2018,12: 303.
[55]Juan Hou#, Yamikani Nadasauka# , Yingying Jiang, Shuangyi Chen, Fei Xu, and Xiaochu Zhang*. Weibo or Wechat? Assessing preference for social networking sites and role of personality traits and psychological factors. Frontiers in Psychology. 2018,9: 545.
[54]Zhengde Wei#, Long Han#, Xiuying Zhong, Ying Liu, Rujing Zha, Ying Wang, Li-Zhuang Yang, Junjie Bu, Hongwen Song, Wenjuan Wang, Yifeng Zhou, Ping Gao, Xiaochu Zhang*. Chronic nicotine exposure impairs uncertainty modulation on reinforcement learning in anterior cingulate cortex and serotonin system. Neuroimage (影响因子(2017)=5.426). 2018, 169: 323-333.
[53]Bin Shi#, Li-zhuang Yang# , Ying Liu*, Xiaochu Zhang*. Neural mechanism by which transcranial direct current stimulation reduces cigarette cravings: study protocol for a randomized controlled crossover trial. 2018,3: 17-21.
[52]Xiaoming Li#, Die Hu# , Wenrui Deng, Qian Tao*, Ying Hu, Xiaoxue Yang, Zheng Wang, Rui Tao, Lizhuang Yang, Xiaochu Zhang*. Pragmatic ability deficit in schizophrenia and associated theory of mind and executive function. Frontiers in Psychology. 2017,8, 2164.
[51]Juan Hou#, Yamikani Ndasauka# , Yingying Jiang, Zi Ye, Ying Wang, Lizhuang Yang, Xiaoming Li, Yongjun Zhang, Liangjun Pang*, Yan Kong, Fei Xu, Xiaochu Zhang*. Excessive Use of WeChat, Social Interaction and Locus of Control among College Students in China. PloS One. 2017,12(8): e0183633.
[50]Fang Jing* , Li-Zhuang Yang*, Ya-Li Peng, Ying Wang, Xiaochu Zhang*, Da-Ren Zhang*. Enhancing the effectiveness of flood road gauges with color coding. Natural Hazards.2017, 88(1): 55-70.
[49]Li-Zhuang Yang , Bin Shi, Hai Li, Wei Zhang, Ying Liu, Hongzhi Wang, Yanfei Zhou, Ying Wang, Wanwan Lv, Xuebing Ji, Justin Hudak, Yifeng Zhou, Andreas J. Fallgatter, Xiaochu Zhang*. Electrical Stimulation Reduces Smokers’ Craving by Modulating the Coupling between Dorsal Lateral Prefrontal Cortex and Parahippocampal Gyrus. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience .2017,12(8):1296-1302.
[48]Ying Wang, Ning Ma, Xiaosong He, Nan Li, Zhengde Wei, Lizhuang Yang, Rujing Zha, Long Han, Xiaoming Li, Ying Liu*, Daren Zhang, Xiaochu Zhang*. Neural substrates of updating the prediction through prediction error during decision making. Neuroimage (影响因子(2017)=5.426) .2017, 157:1-12.
[47]Xiaoming Li#, Ru Ma# , Liangjun Pang*, Wanwan Lv, Yunlu, Xie, Ying Chen, Pengyu Zhang, Jawen Chen, Qichao Wu, Guanbao, Cui, Peng Zhang, Yifeng Zhou, Xiaochu Zhang*. Delta coherence in resting-state EEG predicts the reducation in cigarette craving after hypnotic aversion suggestions. Scientific Reports. 2017,72017,:2430.
[46]Yongjun Zhang* , Hongwen Song, Xiaoming Liu, Dinghong Tang, Yue-e Chen, Xiaochu Zhang*. Language learning enhanced by massive multiple online role-playing games (MMORPGs) and the underlying behavioral and neural mechanisms. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2017,11:95.
[45]Lijun Chen , Chuanfu Li, Jian Zhai*, Anqin Wang, Qin Song, Ying Liu, Ru Ma, Long Han, Yamikani Ndasauka, Xiaoming Li, Hai Li, Xiaochu Zhang*. Altered resting-state signals in acute stroke patients with stroke on or under the thalamus. Neuroscience Bulletin. 2016.,6:585-590
[44]Li-Zhuang Yang , Zhiyu Yang, Ying Liu, Ying Wang, Xiaochu Zhang*. Non-invasive Brain Stimulation to Treat Nicotine Addiction: Potentials and Challenges. Neuroscience Bulletin .2016,6:550-556.
[43]Xiaochu Zhang* , Zhiling Zou, Andreas Fallgatter. . Editorial: Beyond Reward: Insights from Love and Addiction. Frontiers in Psychology. 2016,7:1776.
[42]Zhiling Zou , Hongwen Song, Yuting Zhang, Xiaochu Zhang*. Romantic love v.s. drug addiction may inspire a new treatment for addiction. Frontiers in Psychology. 2016,7:1436.
[41]Peng Chen , Guangming Wang, Ru Ma, Fang Jing, Yongjun Zhang, Ying Wang, Chaoshi Niu*, Xiaochu Zhang*. Mutlidimensional assessment of empathic abilities in patients with insular glioma. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience. 2016,16:962-975.
[40]Wanwan Lv#, Qichao Wu# , Xiaoming Liu, Ying Chen, Hongwen Song, Li-Zhuang Yang, Xiaochu Zhang*. Cue reactivity in nicotine and alcohol addiction: a cross-cultural view. Frontiers in Psychology 2016,7:1335.
[39]Yongjun Zhang , Yamikani Ndasauka, Juan Hou, Jiawen Chen, Li-Zhuang Yang, Ying Wang, Long Han, Junjie Bu, Peng Zhang, Yifeng Zhou, Xiaochu Zhang*. Cue-induced behavioral and neutral changes among excessive internet gamers and possible application of cue exposure therapy to internet gaming disorder. Frontiers in Psychology. 2016,7:675.
[38]Bin Shi#, Lizhuang Yang# , Ying Liu*, Shuli Zhao, Ying Wang, Feng Gu, Zhiyu Yang, Yifeng Zhou, Peng Zhang, Xiaochu Zhang. (2016). Early-onset Hearing Loss Reorganizes the Visual and Auditory Network in Children without Cochlear Implantation. Neuroreport 27: 197-202.
[37]Yamikani Ndasauka#, Juan Hou#, Ying Wang, Lizhuang Yang, Zhiyu Yang, Zi Ye, Yaru Hao, Andreas J. Fallgatter, Yan Kong, Xiaochu Zhang*. Excessive use of Twitter among college students in the UK: Validation of the Microblog Excessive Use Scale and relationship to social interaction and loneliness. Computers in Human Behavior (影响因子(2016)=3.435) 2016, 44(B): 963-971.
[36]Ying Wang , Ying Liu, Lizhuang Yang, Feng Gu, Xiaoming Li, Rujing Zha, Zhengde Wei, Yakun Pei, Peng Zhang, Yifeng [36]Zhou, Xiaochu Zhang*. Novelty seeking is related to individual risk perefernce and brain activation associated with risk prediction during decision making. Scientific Reports. 2015,6:10534.
[35]Xiaoming Li# , Qian Tao #, Ya Fang, Chen Cheng, Yangyang Hao, Jianjun Qi, Ying Wang, Xiaochu Zhang*. Reward sensitivity predicts ice cream-related attentional bias assessed by inattentional blindness. Appetite.2015,89:258-264.
[34]Hongwen Song#, Zhiling Zou*#, Juan Kou, Yang Liu, LiZhuang Yang, Anna zilverstand, Federicod’Oleire Uquillas, Xiaochu Zhang*. Love-related changes in the brain: A resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (影响因子(2015)=3.634) 2015, 9:71.
[33]Chunsheng Xu , Chuanfu Li*, Hongli Wu, Yuanyuan Wu, Sheng Hu, Yifang Zhu, Wei Zhang, Linying Wang, Senhua Zhu, Junping Liu, Qingping Zhang, Jun Yang*, Xiaochu Zhang*. (2015). Gender differences in cerebral regional homogeneity of adult healthy volunteers: A resting-state fMRI study. BioMed Research International ID 183074.
[32]Lizhuang Yang* , Wei Zhang, Bin Shi, Zhiyu Yang, Zhengde Wei, Feng Gu, Jing Zhang, Guanbao Cui, Ying Liu, Yifeng Zhou, Xiaochu Zhang*, Hengyi Rao. (9:e115772). Electrical Stimulation over Bilateral Occipito-temporal Regions Reduces N170 in the Right Hemisphere and the Composite Face Effect. PloS ONE 2014.
[31]Juan Hou# , Zhichao Huang#, Hongxia Li#, Mengqiu Liu, Wei Zhang, Ning Ma, Lizhuang Yang, Feng Gu, Ying Liu, Shenghua Jin, Xiaochu Zhang*. (2014). Is the Excessive Use of Microblogs an Internet Addiction? Developing a Scale for Assessing the Excessive Use of Microblogs in Chinese College Students. PloS ONE 9:e110960.
[30]Chuanfu Li , Jun Yang*, Kyungmo Park, Hongli Wu, Sheng Hu, Wei Zhang, Junjie Bu, Chunsheng Xu, Bensheng Qiu, Xiaochu Zhang*. Prolonged Repeated Acupuncture Stimulation Induces Habituation Effects in Pain-Related Brain Areas: An fMRI Study. PloS ONE.2014, 9:e97502.
[29]Ya Li# , Feng Gu#*, Xiliang Zhang#, Lizhuang Yang, Lijun Chen, Zhengde Wei, Rujing Zha, Ying Wang, Xiaoming Li, Yifeng Zhou, Xiaochu Zhang*. Cerebral Activity to Opposite-Sex Voices Reflected by Event-related Potentials. PloS ONE.,2014,9:e94976.
[28]Xiaoming Li* , Kai Wang, Jianxian Wu, Yongfeng Hong, Jingpu Zhao, Xiaojun Feng, Mei Xu, Min Wang, Xiaochu Zhang*. The Link between Impaired Theory of Mind and Executive Function in Children with Cerebral Palsy. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 2014,35: 1686-1693.
[27]Xiaochu Zhang# , Mary Lee#*, BettyJo Salmeron, Dan Stein, Elliot Hong, Xiujuan Geng, Thomas Ross, Nan Li, Colin Hodgkinson, Pei-Hong Shen, Yihong Yang, David Goldman, Elliot Stein. Prefrontal white matter impairment in substance users dependes upon the catechol-o-methyl transferase (COMT) val158met polymorphism. Neuroimage. 2013,69: 62-69.
[26]Nan Li , Ning Ma, Ying Liu, Xiaosong He, Delin Sun, Xianming Fu, Xiaochu Zhang, Shihui Han, Daren Zhang*. Resting State Functional Connectivity Predicts Impulsivity in Economic Decision-making. Journal of Neuroscience .2013,33: 4886-95.
[25]Ning Ma , Nan Li, Xiaosong He, Delin Sun, Xiaochu Zhang, Daren Zhang*. Rejection of Unfair Offers can be Driven by Negative Emotions, Evidence from Modified Ultimatum Games with Anonymity. PLoS ONE .2012,7:e39619.
[24]Xiaochu Zhang , Thomas Ross, BettyJo Salmeron, Shaolin Yang, Yihong Yang, and Elliot Stein*. Single Subject Task-related BOLD Signal Artifact in a Real-Time fMRI Feedback Paradigm. Human Brain Mapping .2011,32: 592-600.
[23]Xiaochu Zhang , Thomas Ross, BettyJo Salmeron, Yihong Yang, and Elliot Stein*. Anatomical difference and network characteristics underlying smoking cue reactivity. Neuroimage. 2011,54:131-141.
[22]Xiaochu Zhang , Thomas Ross, Xiujuan Geng, BettyJo Salmeron, Yihong Yang, and Elliot Stein*. Factors underlying prefrontal and insula structural alterations in smokers. Neuroimage. 2011,54: 42-48.
[21]Xiaosong He , Ning Ma, Zhonglin Pan, Zhaoxin Wang, Nan Li, Xiaochu Zhang, Jiangning Zhou, Defa Zhu, and Daren Zhang*. Functional MRI assessment of altered brain function in hypothyroidism during working memory processing. European Journal of Endocrinology 2011,164: 951-959.
[20]Mary Lee* , Courtney Gallen, Xiaochu Zhang, Colin Hodgkinson, David Goldman, Elliot Stein, Christina Barr. Functional Polymorphism of the Mu-Opioid Receptor Gene (OPRM1) Influences Reinforcement Learning in Humans. PloS One. 2011,6:e24203.
[19] Xiaochu Zhang, Elliot Stein, and Elliot Hong*. Smoking and Schizophrenia Independently and Additively Reduce White Matter Integrity Between Striatum and Frontal Cortex. Biological Psychiatry(影响因子(2010)=8. 674) 2010, 68: 674-677.
[18]Xiaochu Zhang , Xiangchuan Chen, Daren Zhang*, Delin Sun, Ning Ma, Sheng He and Xiaoping Hu. Masked Smoking-related Images Modulate Brain Activity in Smokers. Human Brain Mapping. 2009,30; 896-907.
[17]Delin Sun , Zuji Chen, Ning Ma, Xiaochu Zhang, Xianming Fu and Daren Zhang*. Decision-making and prepotent response inhibition functions in excessive Internet users. CNS Spectrums 2009,14: 75-81.
[16]Xiwen Sun , Xiaochu Zhang#, Xiangchuan Chen, Peng Zhang, Min Bao, Daren Zhang*, Jing Chen, Sheng He and Xiaoping Hu. Age-Dependent Brain Activation During Forward and Backward Digit Recall Revealed by fMRI. NeuroImage 2005,26: 36-47.
[15]Daren Zhang , Xiaochu Zhang, Xiwen Sun, Zhihao Li, Zhaoxin Wang, Sheng He and Xiaoping Hu*. Cross-modal Temporal Order Memory for Auditory Digits and Visual Locations: An fMRI Study. Human Brain Mapping. 2004,22: 280-289.
[14]Zhihao Li* , Xiwen Sun, Zhaoxin Wang, Xiaochu Zhang, Daren Zhang, Sheng He and Xiaoping Hu*. Behavioral and functional MRI study of attention shift in human verbal working memory. NeuroImage 2004,21: 181-191.
[13]Xiangchuan Chen , Daren Zhang, Xiaochu Zhang, Zhihao Li, Xiaomei Meng, Sheng He and Xiaoping Hu*. A functional MRI study of high-level cognition II. The game of GO. Cognitive Brain Research 2003,16: 32-37.
[12]Daren Zhang , Zhihao Li, Xiangchuan Chen, Zhaoxin Wang, Xiaochu Zhang, Xiaomei Meng, Sheng He and Xiaoping Hu*. Functional comparison of primacy, middle and recency retrieval in human auditory short-term memory: an event-related fMRI study. Cognitive Brain Research .2003,16:91-98.